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To start off a lot of people don't know that @ilovedobbyandsnape is my tiktok, so go follow it😏

This may seem a bit confusing, basically the last chapter of the part 1 was just an epilogue, and this is kind of before it I guess. Basically the last chapter doesn't matter very much.

⚠️Content Warning, the whole story contains uncomfy scenarios between the transphobes and other characters. Also contains near death situations ;) ⚠️

So here are people I either mentioned or included in the wattpad story! I included their name(s), pronouns, and tiktok @'s.

Their pronouns are there so they aren't misgendered and their @'s are there in case you don't know who they are!

Me, Whitney (she/they) @ilovedobbyandsnape

Frankie/Franklin/Frank (they/them) @franklinsofresh23

Moony (she/they) @moonyisrad2

Haze/Padfoot (they/them) @padfootasf

Emily (she/her) @deathofcedric

Rylee (they/them) is in this story but i no longer associate myself with them because of specific reasons. if you would like to find out the specifics it's not my story to tell, go to @/ osmiumolivia , i assume they will post about it soon.

Poe (they/them) @swaggzone

Faith (she/they) @shemarmoorerealnotfake

Zoe (she/they) @zluvsrpattz

Alanys (she/they) @alanysgotswagtbh

Transphobes to lovers PART 2| Parker x Holly Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now