ch. 7

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[TW: Description of Panic Attack]

"SHE was shot at close range almost two hours ago." Coulson told the doctors as the team arrived at the nearest field hospital. In Switzerland.

"She's experiencing tachycardia, she's hypotensive, and she's lost a significant amount of blood. We had to lower her core body temp in order to transport her here." Simmons rattled off as the chamber approached the labeled SHIELD doors.

"It's probably what kept her alive this long. We'll do everything we can." The doctor said, before she wheeled the chamber into a secluded room.

The team sat in the waiting room as the scene that happened two hours ago replayed in Sienna's mind. The team had insisted on her getting sleep, so there she was, lying on the couch, pretending to sleep.

The truth was she was exhausted, she hadn't slept much the previous night and then between the mission and what happened with Skye, she hadn't realized how tired she was. Now, as she was lying down, listening to Coulson yell into his phone, the adrenaline was starting to wear off.

"Why didn't I stop her? I could've." Sienna heard Fitz say, with obvious sadness in his tone.

"As if you could stop Skye from doing anything she's set her mind to." Simmons answered back, she had a point Sienna thought. If there was anything about her sister it was that she was the most stubborn person ever, besides Sienna herself that is.

"I shouldn't have let her go after Quinn by herself. What was I thinking? And now, she's hanging on by the thread and we've probably completely ruined Sienna's life." Fitz spoke shakily.

"It's not your fault." Sienna heard Ward speak up. "She shouldn't have been there. I'm her S.O., it's on me." Sienna could feel Ward's gaze on her.

"The one to blame is the man who shot her, Ian Quinn. He's responsible." May said in her usual stern tone.

The last thing Sienna heard before she finally succumbed to the dark blanket of sleep was Coulson leaving a very angry message for someone. Sienna dreamt of a certain memory from her and Skye's St. Agnes times.

"It's gonna be alright Si." Skye rubbed her sister's back as Sienna cried into her pillow. "It wasn't your fault, it was his. Don't for a second blame yourself."

"But it was such a nice place, maybe if I hadn't had made a scene we could've had a permanent home." Sienna sniffled as she spoke shakily.

"Hey. It wasn't a good home, look at what he did to you. I'm glad we're not there anymore, I'm glad you stood up to him and more importantly recognized your self-worth."

"When did you become the wise one?" Sienna lightly joked as her tears started to dry up.

"Eh, I have my moments. How about you get some sleep? I'm sure you're exhausted." Sienna nodded at her sister and flipped over so that they could both fit more comfortably in the top bunk.

"Thank you, Skye." Sienna whispered, as her eyelids grew heavier and heavier.

"Any time sis, any time." Skye quietly hummed Sienna's favorite song as she continued to hold her sister. They didn't have much, but they had each other, and that's all that mattered.

"Sienna, Sienna." She was awoken from her dream as she felt May's hand gently shake her awake. Sienna opened her eyelids and sat up, she took a peek at her watch and realized that she'd been asleep for almost six hours. "The doctor's here."

Sienna stood up faster than a bullet and locked eyes with the doctor. "Miss, maybe we should talk privately." The doctor suggested. Sienna's eyes got teary as she took note of the doctor's blood-stained scrubs, but she quickly wiped her eyes.

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