♚ chapter 5 - fiore ♚

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POV: Josie Woodwork

I walked through the open glass doors out to the garden. I needed some fresh air and some time to think about things. I picked at the hem on my dress before chiding myself internally, realizing that that behavior wasn't ladylike. 

I glanced up at the rows of greenery and inhaled deeply through my nose. I realized that I saw Kaden in one of the rows that contained a few flowers, one of which I recognized as lavender. I exhaled shakily. 

I debated on wether or not I should go over to him or give him some space. I decided that it would be better to go over to him. I walked the path and as I got closer to him, he hear footsteps and realized that someone was there. He turned to see who it was and realized it was me.

When I saw his face, I looked right into his chocolate brown eyes that he had inherited from his father and completely lost my footing. I tumbled to the grass and "bit it," as my friends would say.

Kaden immediately rushed over as I tried to stand up. He looked down at my surely bright red face and grabbed my hand, pulling me up to my feet.

I smoothed out my dress and pulled off pieces of grass.  Once I was done, I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. He then chuckled and held out his arm to me. I took it and we walked through the lanes.

"Are you okay, Josie?" He asked.

"Yeah. It was only a minor trip." I replied with a laugh.

"The grass was really slippery, I believe it was just watered thirty minutes ago." He said.

"Well, that gives me a perfect excuse!" I exclaimed, joking.

We both laughed for a minute, even though I was sure that what I said wasn't that funny.

We walked in silence for a few minutes, soaking in the sun.

"So, what do you think?" I asked.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"About Eady and Kile, I mean." I corrected myself.

"Oh, I'm happy for them. They also seem really happy." He said.

"Yeah, I never would've pegged them together." I said.

"Yeah. But, enough about them. How about you, Josie? We've lived in the palace together our whole lives, but we've never really talked." He said.

"I know! I was just thinking about it the other day." I said.

"All I know about you is that you're really smart, kind, and athletic." I added, earning a chuckle from him.

"And all I know about you is that you like Choosing Yesterday, clothes, sparkles, and stuff like that." He said. 

I laughed, thinking about the old Josie. 

"You know, Kaden, I've changed my ways." I started. 

He looked at me confused and cocked his head to the side. 

"That was the old Josie, the one who always wanted the spotlight. Always wanted to be a princess," I said. 

"Now, honestly, I'm starting to be more of my true stuff. The girl who likes ivory colored dresses instead of hot pink and the girl who enjoys studying." I finished.

"That's really nice, Josie." Kaden said genuinely. 

My heart started to speed up as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes. I got butterflies in my stomach. Am I falling for Kaden Schreave? The Prince?

POV: Kaden Schreave

"You know, Kaden, I've changed my ways." Josie stated.

What did she mean? 

"That was the old Josie, the one who always wanted the spotlight. Always wanted to be a princess," She continued.

"Now, honestly, I'm starting to be more of my true stuff. The girl who likes ivory colored dresses instead of hot pink and the girl who enjoys studying." She finished.

"That's really nice, Josie." I replied. 

I was thinking of how gorgeous she was. Osten had, more than once, made a joke, reference, or innuendo about me and Josie. Could it be true though? Could Josie and I be something more than just friends?


Hey y'all! Happy New Year! I'm so so sorry for not updating in so long. I've been busy with school and stuff. I do want to let you guys know that the updates here will be slightly sporadic and y'all may have to wait a while between updates. I'm still going to continue the story unless I say otherwise in an author's note, so if you can stay patient with me that would be great. 

On other topics, I'm so sorry for how shitty this update is. It was short and not really worth anything but Josie and Kaden are finally aware of their feelings! Hopefully the next update I can get focusing on these two will be maybe them getting to know each other better and stuff. I may speed it up and do some time skips and get them to confess their feelings and then kiss! However, the next update, unless y'all want me to do otherwise (in which case comment) is going to be about Eadlyn and Kile. It will also be in 3rd-person (which will be stated at the beginning of the chapter). Please comment, vote, and let me know your thoughts! I appreciate it very much! 

Shoutout to KateLilly11 for commenting and voting continuously! Thank you so much, Kate! You don't know how much I appreciate it! 

See y'all next time!

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