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MOST OF THE GROUP assumed the CDC is going to be their holy grail. The thing that saves them. However, Lyla thought differently. It was once her job to think differently. When they got inside they found one single man, not even a strong survival man. Just a man. A doctor named Edwin Jenner.

The group gathered around two white fold up tables pushed together. Lyla took a long gulp of the nasty bitter red wine Jenner had provided for them. The food wasn't gourmet, but hell it could've been. She was starving. "You know, in Italy, the kids have a little wine with their dinner," Dale tells Carl's parents while stroking his beard with a dopey smile on his face.

Lyla chuckled and shook her head, anxious to see if he could manage to convince the parents. "What's it gonna hurt, come on," Rick laughs motioning for Dale to hand him a glass.

The glass had literally a sip of wine in it. The group watched anxiously as Carl lifted the glass to his lips. A few moments after drinking, Carl looks fine. Then the taste sets in on his tongue. "Ew!" He exclaimed with a dramatic expression of disgust displayed on his face.

"That's my boy," Lori commends while pouring the rest of his wine into her cup.

"Stick to soda pop there bud," Shane chuckled from the opposite end of the table.

"Not you Glenn," Daryl comments from beside Lyla.

"What?" Glenn asks shyly. Face beet red.

"I wanna see how red your face can get," Daryl jokes. The alcohol giving him the confidence to speak freely within the group.

Rick drunkly chuckles at Daryl's comment, but the smile quickly faded off his face as he notices Jenner sitting a few feet away slowly nursing a glass of wine. He stared at floor. Eyes not moving, not blinking. Rick clears his throat and stands up, grabbing the glass of wine. "It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly," he said while holding his glass up.

"He is more than just our host!" T- Dog beamed.

Lyla scoffed so softly. This is exactly what she was talking about. They had been there all of three hours, and they found a single man. How is this single man supposed to create a cure for the whole world. "Hear, hear!" Dale countered raising his glass.

Lyla could see Jenner was uncomfortable having the spot light on him. "Here's to you doc, booyah!" Daryl yelled right beside Lyla's ear causing her to flinch. She scowled and looked up at Daryl. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders at her.

BORN TO DIE ► TWD   (      DARYL DIXON.      )Where stories live. Discover now