School Trip

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The day had come. I was going on a school trip with my two best friends, George and Sapnap. Our school had planned this for a few months now and today it was finally going down. I liked it so much, we were going to France. I had never been in France and I expected to like it a lot. I was currently on the boat with George and Sapnap and the rest of my class.

'Are you also excited?' I asked George, who was sitting the closest to me.

Sapnap was playing some games on his phone and he listened to some music. George was just sitting a little, he was a little nauseous. He looked at me and smiled. 'Nah.'

'What's wrong?'

'It's stupid. Don't worry about it.'

'No, tell me.'

'I just miss home a little.'

'Aww.' I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and smiled at him. 'I'm with you.'

He smiled softly and I saw tears filling his eyes. 'I have always hated leaving home without my parents.'

'It will be alright, okay? You can call them every day and it's just for five days.'

'Can we maybe share a room? I'm a little scared in new and dark places. I know it's very childish.'

'It's not. We have room for three people, so we can share a room with Sapnap too.'

He nodded. 'Please, don't tell Sap about this. I'm ashamed about it and I only trust you with it for now.'

'Of course, I won't tell anything. Our secret, okay? How can I help you?'

'I don't know. I sleep with a light at home.'

'Aww, we can just leave the door open a little.'

'But you guys.'

'I don't mind. I can sleep with light on, I don't know about Sap, but he has to deal with it.'

George smiled and nodded. 'Thank you.'

'Why are you so scared?'

'In the past some burglars broke into our house and it made me so paranoid.'

'Oh yeah, that must have been awful for you.'

He nodded and I let my arm slip down his shoulders. George grabbed his phone and I saw him looking up a picture of his family. I smiled.

'You can look at that picture whenever you want to,' I said.

He nodded and stood up. 'I'm going to the toilet.'

I nodded and George walked off. I watched him walked away. I just couldn't get my eyes of him. I suddenly felt Sapnap tapping my shoulder. I startled and looked at Sapnap.


'You're freaking staring, dude.'

'I- uh.'

I quickly looked at my feet and hid the blush on my face. I didn't even noticed Sapnap saw me stare. I just couldn't get my eyes off him, it was nothing too bad.

''You're blushing,' Sapnap giggled.

'I didn't even stare, I was just zoned out.'

'Yeah, you're right.'

'Just go and play that stupid game of yours and don't tell George.'

Sapnap laughed out loud and returned to playing his game. George came back and I smiled at him. He looked like he had cried. I stood up and ran towards him.

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