"Oh my goodness, yes, of course," Jackson said immediately. "Of course you can take next week off. In fact, you can take a few months off. You're entitled to maternity leave. I'm so sorry, Sabrina."

"Thanks, Jackson," I said quietly, "But I won't need maternity leave. I'll hire someone to care for the baby during the day."

"Bree," Annelise said with a small laugh, "you need time to bond with the baby. Take the four months. You can come back at the start of May. I know we've got enough episodes taped to last us three months and then we can do reruns of the highest rated ones for April."

"A-are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. "I don't mean to just spring this on you guys."

"Hey, it's not like you were pregnant for nine months and didn't tell us," She said with a smile. "Take the time off, bond with your little one and then come back better than ever."

"Yes, what Annelise said," Jackson said with a warm smile. 

"Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it," I said gratefully, although I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to stay away for four whole months.

"Of course, honey. I know it was a tragic way to get there, but motherhood is so exciting," Annelise said gently.

"I'm terrified," I admitted. "I only have godchildren and I'm not always around for everything with them so I don't even know where to start with this one."

"You'll be lost at first," Jackson chuckled, "but once you've got the hang of it, it's as easy as A B C."

"That's true," Annelise agreed. "Would you be okay with it if we put out a statement? About the baby, I mean. We can leave your sister out of it if you'd prefer. But I think your fans and our sponsors would love to hear about your new little bundle."

"Yeah, that would be okay," I agreed, knowing that I would need to account for the child I would be seen with. And I know that Hope will handle the statement with integrity and delicacy because she's wonderful.

"Congratulations, Sabrina. I know that this isn't the conventional way to motherhood and I'm terribly sorry about your loss but having your first child really is a momentous thing," Jackson said gently,

"Thanks, Jax," I said with a small smile.

After making arrangements for Tara to be an interim PA for Valerie, seeing as her own PA was also going on maternity leave in the next two weeks, and thanking Annelise and Jackson profusely for their understanding, I headed down to the fifth floor where I knew Valerie was filming because I had some time before I had to go to hair and makeup and because I just needed her motherly type hug this morning. Despite only being eleven years older than me, Valerie is the mommy of our group and she took me right under her wing the day we first met. 

After hanging out with her for a little while I headed up to my set to get ready for my show.

Later that evening I found myself seated opposite Oliver at our favourite Italian restaurant, Campagnola, for dinner.

"Stop frowning else you'll get wrinkles and then you'll be forced to get botox," Oliver teased me.

"Oh shut up," I laughed.

"How're you feeling?" He asked me. 

"Scared, nervous, sad."

"That's expected," He said as he reached across the table. "Everything is going to change for you, Sab, but we're all gonna be here for you throughout those changes."

Once again, I was eternally grateful for Oliver's support. "Thanks, Oli. That really does mean a lot to me."

"I spoke to my parents on Saturday night. They're really sorry about Serena. But they're pleased about the baby. Mom wants to send you a bunch of baby stuff. Don't buy a crib, okay? She's already got you one."

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