The First Date

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Asami's POV:

I adjust my dress. I stand outside of Korra's apartment building. I shiver a bit in the cold. She comes out.

She looks stunning. She has a blue suit on with the shirt under the suit coat halfway buttoned. I feel my nose starting to bleed.  She looks at me. 

    I wave.  "Hey Korra."  She looks at me.  "Uh, your nose is bleeding again."  I smile. "Let's get out of the cold, shall we?"  She nods.

       We get in my limo.  I clean my nosebleed up.  She leans back in the seat.  "So, uh where are we eating at?"  "Iroh's."  She smiles.  "Really?"  I nod.  "Yeah, table for two."  "Can't wait." We smile at each other.

We arrive at the restaurant and we go inside. The host greets us. "Do you ladies have a reservation?" I nod. "Sato, table for two." He nods. "Of course, follow me." Korra and I follow him.

We get seated. A waiter walks over to us. "Hi, I'm Leo, what can I get you?" Korra smiles. "Leo, is Iroh in?" The waiter nods. "Yeah, the general is in. He actually just came in, want me to get him, miss?"  Korra nods. 

    I smile at her.  "Who's Iroh?"  "A friend.  He may be able to get us a discount."  "Korra."  "Hold on."  An older man dressed in military formal wear, approaches our table. 

    He looks at Korra.  "Hello, Korra."  She smiles.  "Hey Iroh, can we get a discount?"  He looks at me and he jumps slightly.

He's General Iroh of the United Forces, and we've met before.  "Ms. Sato, I am sorry that I forgot to RSVP for the party.  Mind if I do that in person?"  I laugh.  "Of course, or can you talk to my assistant about that?  I'm trying to have a nice dinner with Korra."  He nods.  "Of course, and Korra maybe you should talk with your date about the discount."  He walks off. 

    Korra slaps her forehead.  "I forgot that you're loaded."  I chuckle.  "It's okay.  I'm glad that one of my dates sees me as a human being for once.  Half the time I go on a date, I'm paying for it and they ignore me."  She smiles at me.  "How could anyone ignore someone as beautiful as you."  She blushes.  "Wait, did I say that out loud?"  I nod and I try not to laugh.

Leo comes back. "I forgot to ask for drinks." Korra and I order. He comes back and pours our wine. We order our food and he leaves.

She leans on the table slightly. "So about those other dates, how do they not find you interesting? You're like really rich and cool." I shrug. "It's because I am rich and cool. People put me on a pedestal, like a spirit or goddess. They want to tiptoe around my feelings so they ignore me." She nods. "I can understand that. I uh I used to be part of a sports team. I played Hockey at a national level. Then there was some kind of terrorist attack mid match." She sips some of her wine. "Me and two of my teammates got injured really bad." I look at her. "You were the center?" She nods.

She puts her wine down. "How'd you know?" "I was there, I uh I was watching th—. Do you know Bolin? He's my assistant." I nod. "Yeah, he used to work at the restaurant with his brother." "Mako?" She nods.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I'm so sorry." She shrugs. "You didn't know about your father at the time, Asami, it's okay. Mako and I talked about it." I take a sip of my wine.

I set the glass down. "Well, I'm truly sorry." She smiles. "So, uh moving on. What do you do for fun?" "I just go for walks in the forest behind my mansion." She smiles. "That seems like fun." I nod. "It helps me relax, especially around this time of year. I get all of my employees gifts that are unique to them." She smiles. "Wow." I nod. "It's tiring work, but the employees who work closer to the city or in my building aren't much of a challenge. Especially Bolin, the man wants little reindeer slippers." Korra laughs. "Of course he does." We laugh together.

Leo brings our food out. Korra and I talk a bit more and we eat together. She looks at me. "The thing is, I just, I don't understand why things like t-shirts cost so much. Like if your company makes t-shirts, like plain ones then they should be like one dollar each." I nod. "Mhm, I use uh I have designer clothing for special events, but normally I go out to just a normal supermarket for everyday clothing and like I agree they do need to lower the costs for just normal things."  Korra smiles.  "Mm, this is so good."  She points at her food. "Also, you are one of most down to earth celebrities I have ever met.  You also have good taste in food."  I smile at her.  "Thank you."  I finish eating. 

    I lean on the table and I smile at her.  "So, what do you do for fun?"  "I'll play in the park with my dog, or I visit my uncle and cousins."  I nod.  "Seems like fun.  Do you want dessert?"  "Probably not, I'm just so full."  "Me too, I didn't want to be rude."  She laughs.  "It's fine, Asami."  Leo comes back with the bill. 

    I look at him.  "Can you have General Iroh come back?"  He nods. 

    General Iroh comes back.  He looks at us.  "Did you two enjoy your meal?" "Yeah, it was great."  He smiles at Korra.  They quickly hug.  She smiles at me.  "I guess you two have business?"  We both nod.  "I'll go and wait in the limo."  She walks out of the restaurant. 

    I hand him a check.  "Two thousand.  Ms. Sato, I can't take this."  "It's a tip for the server." I hand him my card. "Charge it to the card. Also, I am glad you're attending the party." He smiles. "Can't wait. Will President Moon and her husband be there?" "Of course." He smiles. "Alright, wait here and I'll be back." He leaves with my credit card.

He comes back and hands it to me. "I gave the check to Leo and he is very grateful for it. You and Korra stay safe." I nod. "Will do General." I leave. I glance at Leo. He waves at me and smiles.

Korra's POV:

I sit in the limo. Asami comes and sits beside me. She nods to the driver. We leave the restaurant.

I smile at her. She has the most beautiful red dress on. It is a bit of an odd choice for winter, but I can see why she wears it. She looks gorgeous in it.

It also looks good with the background and snow. She looks at me. "Korra, do you plan on attending my Christmas party?" I chuckle. "Yeah, of course."  She smiles at me.  "Great."  We pull up to my apartment building. 

    We get out together.  She smiles.  "I had a great time tonight.  Maybe we can do this again sometime?"  I nod.  "Definitely, do you have a personal phone number?  Or?"  She hands me her phone.  I put my number in it.  I smile at her.  "See you later Asami."  She waves and gets in her limo. 

    I go into the building.  I head up to my apartment.  I open the door.  Mako and Wu are sitting on my couch watching a movie. 

     I put my keys on the counter.  "Why are you two here?"  Mako glances at me while his boyfriend stays focused on the movie.  "How was your date with Asami?"  "Great actually.  She's such a down to earth person, you really let her get away, and for that I thank you."  He chuckles and turns back to the movie. 

     I go into my room and I change into some sweatpants.  I put on a hoodie.  I go and I sit in my armchair. 

     I look at Mako.  "Who's on the catering team for Christmas Eve?"  Mako scratches his chin.  "Uh, me, Wu, and all of the waitstaff." I nod. "Hm." Someone knocks on the door.

I get up and I open it. Bolin's standing there with pizza. "The food has arri—." He sees me. "Korra! How was your date with Asami?! She's like the best, am I right?" He comes into my apartment. He puts the pizza box on my counter and hugs me.

I chuckle. "Yeah she is the best. How'd you know about our date?" "Well, I'm her personal assistant. She made me clear her entire schedule for this evening just for your date! And she gave me the night off!"  He gets in my fridge.  "You have any beer?  Yep!"  I yawn.  "Well, I'm exhausted I'm off to bed.  You guys can just pull the couch out and stuff.  I'll see you tomorrow."  I go into my room.  I lay down on my bed. 

     I look at my phone.  An unknown number texted me.  "Had fun tonight *kiss face*" I smile.  I send her,  "Same here, I can't wait for the next night like tonight."   I add Asami to my contact list. 

    I lay my phone on my nightstand and I fall asleep. 

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