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Nicolai's POV

God!!!! Never have I wanted a time to go faster than today...I was really getting impatient to go home! Unfortunately I had to finish some work my dad asked me to and it would take at least 2 days to get home. Ughhh... I can't wait to go home and see my family and meet Bella... MY BELLA. She looks gorgeous now...I see her photos on Instagram though she is not the one to post frequently but the occasional photos she posts blows my mind. When I left... she looked so small and cute but now she has grown into a beautiful and gorgeous girl. She looks perfect now and I can't wait to hear her bubbly can fill up an entire room and brighten any day. I really wanted to hear her voice so I did the most obvious thing... I called her.

After the fourth ring she picked up

"Hello??" she answered...I could tell she was sleeping and I felt so dumb for forgetting about the time difference but I didn't want to hang up just yet

"Bella?" I said

"omg... Nico!!! So I can't wait for you to be back ..." she chimed happily

"Me too..."I answered

"How long will it be until you come?" she asked nervously. I knew she was planning on surprising me, she is always like that...always trying to other's day better but I had other plans.

"Sadly...about 3-4 days, Bella." I lied

"Oh too bad" I knew she was happy for having more time for her cute surprise

"So how is your college work?" I asked changing the subject

"It's alright...sometimes I feel like dropping out honestly" she confessed making me worried about her. Her anxiety gets the best of her. She never told me about dropping out not even when I called her last time. What's wrong??

"Don't ever think of dropping out, Lexi. You didn't come this far just to come this far right?"

"What about all your plans on becoming a young and successful businesswoman???" she was always dreaming about her future. She has something about her that can make any one listen to her.

"You'll be there to help me nah?" she defended. "Of course Bella, Now that I'm coming I will always be by your side for everything."

She smiled."Is it only you that is coming or-?" She said changing to the subject I could sense sadness in her voice. She thought I was dating someone. How funny! I could never think of anyone other than Lexi even after I left here... only if she knew what I thought about her.

"Ummm no actually...there's someone else too" I said

"Ohhh" I could hear disappointment in her voice

"I am coming with one idiot of my best friend I have... I told you about him right? Leonardo?"

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he isn't that bad and you are just exaggerating" she sounded relieved and laughed. I felt happy and I really hope that even she doesn't have anyone in her life. I can't bear to see her with anyone else. I ached me to even imagine losing her.

"Hey Bella!! Ce manchi!" Leo shouted from the other side of the room and I glared at him

"Fratello come ti manca anche lei...non la conscinemmeno."Bro how do you even miss her when you haven't even met her? I asked and he winked. I could hear Lexi giggling from the other end of the was full of life ...just what I needed to hear

"Oh credimi, parlo di lei abbastanzabene, mi sento come se la conoscessi da secoli"oh trust me...You talk about her well enough, I feel like I have known her for ages. He blurted and I gave him a cold glare. If looks could kill, he would be dead by now.

I giggled, "Tell Leo I said hi" and I did what she asked

After a long call of catching up and I realized that I woke her up from her sleep and I felt guilty.

"Hey Bella... I think I should let you sleep because I am pretty sure that I woke you up from your beauty sleep. And also I don't want you to snap at everyone in the morning because of me" I joked which must definitely remind her about a little incident that happened years before. Long story short you never ever want to talk to a sleep deprived Bellisa Giordani. I mean ever.

"You're right though. But I deserve my 8 hours of sleep after working all day on those exhausting assignments okay?!!" she clapped back.

'Yes Bella, you deserve it" You deserve everything. "okay then good bye!!! Be safe and see you very soon"

"Bye take care see you too" she said as she yawned into the phone making me chuckle before we hung up.

"You should have seen your stupid smile throughout the call. Lucky for you it was only me, you looked like an idiot and a half smiling into the phone for so long. You are so in love with her bro" Leo smirked at me stating the obvious making my eyes roll.

"I gonna slap that stupid smirk off your face if don't shut your mouth this instant Leo" I glared at him.

"Fine... Fine...why aren't you telling her about how you feel who knows even she might have feelings for you but she is too scared to accept it?" Leo pointed out for once saying something sensible.

"Oh shut up you cupid" I said as I walked up to my room.

"Hey at least I know when to accept my feelings and Nicky you are so big fat meanie!" Leo huffed making a pout. I shook my head...that man is a 5 year old trapped in a 21 year old body.

If only I could tell her how much I love her and have her in my arms all day but... I can't...not when I know that I would be risking my friendship with Lexi.

Thoughts about her filled my mind like it has been for the longest time but it only got worse. After long enough I felt my eyes feeling drooping not long before I fell asleep praying that I could meet her soon and to see her smile when I surprise her on Thursday.

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