" why don't you just kill him already?" I asked with a sigh.
Sean looked at me almost shocked.
" why would I do that? He has been with me from the start." He asked staring at the door.
  " he's no help to you if he is always talking back. Time dosnt matter its the quality that dose. Tell me the results." I added and waved as I walked off. 

  I walked into me room and took my mask off. So it seems she might not be strong enough to keep or use the quirks for a long period of time. We will have to strengthen her up before we get into the dangerous quirks. Thats what I'll do when she wakes up. The next two days are going to be a lot of work making sure she dosnt die.
Its hard to find somone without a quirk these days.  How how I aspire to be like overhaul. Its a pity he died. I could of used some advice from him.
    I looked down at my notes once again. I started to organize them when I heard a knock on the door.
" come in."

Sean walked in and ran his hands through his hair.
" she's alive and well. She even seems to be stronger then before we started. She still has a couple ounces left of the quirk. Its mainly around her head area." Sean stated while putting his hands in his pockets.
" very well, just make an incision on her forhead or cheek to drain it out. If you go to the basement there should be some blood bags there for after. " I said looking up at him.
" you really thought of everything diddnt you?" He asked with a small chuckle.

I smiled and nodded my head.
" yes i have, I cant mess this up. I suggest doing it while she's passed out so you don't have to worry about her struggling."
Sean nodded his head and walked out of the room. Thats the one thing I hated the sight of. I hate blood, a little bit doesn't scare me. Its been its gushing out everywhere.


"  what the fuck are you thinking?" I shouted at Sean while he held Ann in his arms a gun pointed to her stomach.
  " she's trying to stop me from what I love! Don't you see Lilly? She's getting in the way of my hard work." Sean had lost his mind. Im so scared, I cant loose my best friend. She's more then my best friend. I love her, but I can never let her know. Sean would for sure kill me. And I would never want Ann to hate me. I could feel the tears start to bubble in the corner of my eyes.
" don't you see? I gave you that second quirk, and what do I get? Nothing, I get absolutely nothing from you but whining!" Sean snarled pushing the gun into her stomach more, making her visibly more uncomfortable.
" please just leave her alone. K..kill me instead ." I screamed while crying. I dont care if I now had two quirks.
" what do you think Ann? Should you live?" Sean chuckled pushing the gun into her stomach making her whimper.
I took a couple steps forward holding my hand out for her. But Sean pointed the gun straight at my head.
" another step, and both of you die!" He snarled while glaring at me. I put my hands up and stepped back to my original spot.
I cant let him do this. She's my sweet ann. And what about her daughter. That poor girl wouldn't survive without her mother.
" what is it Ann?" Sean yelled in her ear once again. I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't going deaf.

  " p..please Sean. I never did anything. I could you live with yourself letting y/n know you killed he-"
A loud bang filled the room. Everything inside me just left I fell to the floor as Ann did. Sean kicked her as she screamed.
" so pathetic." He mumbled and left the room. " now you can have her. Leave my house before I kill you to."

I crawled over to Ann  na dput her head in my lap.
" i..im so s..sorry." I cried stroking her hair.  She smiled up at me weakly and took her hand that was covered in blood putting it in mine.
" I,.I love you l...Lilly. i..im sorry." She whispered closing her eyes. I shook my head and cried.
" no,no ,no come on Ann, you can do this. I dont want to live without you. I love you so much and never got to tell you." I cried into her hand. Her grip kept getting softer and softer. I cant loose her, she's my everything.
" t..take care of y/n, m..make sure she lives a good life. I.. I love you Lilly, goodbye." She smiled one last time before she fell limp.
" no no,no, no. " I cried shaking her body. She was gone. I was covered in blood and so was she. My pants we drenched with her blood. I kissed her forhead and cried with her dead body in my arms. Sean is going to pay for taking my love away.

End of flashback

I could feel the rears streaming down my face. After all this time, I couldn't do the one thing she wanted me to do. I sniffled and whiped off my eyes. I never did give y/n the life she needed. Its to late now. Ann could still be alive if she was never born. It's both their faults she's dead.
I slammed my fist down on the desk while I cried. Im going to get payback one way or another. I can say her probably has some sort of heart and cares for his own daughter. Maybe if I kill her. He wouldn't have anything left. I should just kill Josh while I'm at it to. I need to wait and be patient. I need them for now.


Y/N Pov

I groan reaching my hand up to my cheek and wincing. I yelp softly as my hand grazes a big cut on my cheek. I go wide eyed and stand up going to the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror to see a giant scar taking up my whole cheek going to my temple. What the fuck did they do to me? I walked back out into the room I was being kept in. There was a giant puddle of blood on the floor. It seemed to stained the wood flooring. I run my fingers over it but nothing came up. I guess it was cleaned.
I sit down on the floor and sigh. Are they even looking for me? If they what is taking them so long?"
The door came open all three of them entering.

" after dinner we will test another quirk. So rest up, here's your meal." Heather said with a smile and sat a plate with a hamburger and fries down infront of me. How could she act so nice and causal after that?
I glared at her and crossed my arms.
" what is it this time?" I asked picking up the burger.

   " we are going to be testing out water. Then in the morning we will be doing fire." She stated serring down a cup of juice. This time it was a bluish color. Probably blueberry.

   " why are you doing this to me?" I asked looking up at her.she offered a nice smile but soon turned into a evil grin. " its all for science, and you just happen to be the unlucky girl with no quirk, so eat up. Josh will be back in a few. " she stated and they all left the room. She was talking as if she was a doctor. The sooner im out of here the better.

Dabi pov

" so what did you find out?" I asked while pacing around his kitchen. Hawks sighed and took his hero jacket off.
" its not looking good. There are three people watching her with powerful quirks." Hawks said looking over to me. I cant decide if I'm angry, scared, or sad. Even if I was sad I can't cry for her.

" is she safe?" I asked as is topped pacing.

" they are testing many different quirks on her. I couldn't catch what they were going to do next, but they tested smoke on her and she blacked out. She's fine now though. From what I could gather they need her alive, so she will end up fine." Keigo explained while he got changed.
   How could he be so calm about this? He saw my poor y/n being tortured.
   " why the fuck can't we go and save her now? She's been through enough already!" I took my frustration out on him.  Im just so scared for her, I cant loose her.
  " they still have their gaured up, give it a couple days."
" im not waiting we go tomorrow. Get the heros involved if you want but I'm going to be there to save her no matter what I have to do." I said and stormed upstairs to the spair room.

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