Strange blue haired boy

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When I looked up I saw a boy with Blue hair, monochrome yellow eyes, and a black hat.
It felt like my heart skipped a beat, what was it about him that made him so.... Appealing?
"Who the hell are you?"
Kaede and Himiko walked over to us
"What's going on over here?" Asked Kaede
"This bastard tried to fucking mess with me!" Kaito pointed to the boy with the hat in anger.
The boy let out a chuckle
"What's so funny?!" Kaito was really angry at this point, I kinda felt scared for the boy.
Kaito was warming up to fight him, I just stayed silent and felt helpless.
"If your looking to start a fight with me I'm not interested. Now, leave me and Ouma alone."
Did he just call me Ouma? How did he know my name...?
"Psh whatever, keep protecting your fuckin boyfriend and see what happens" Kaito looked at Himiko and Kaede, then they group walked away, glaring at the boy in anger.
"Are you alright?" Asked the boy
"Who are you? Why do you know my name? Why did you-" I was cut off by him placing a finger on my lips and shushing me.
He chuckled and said "My name is Shuichi Saihara, I've heard quite a bit about you."
I took his finger off my lip
"W-what have you heard about me?"
Im guessing he heard rumors or shit talk, I mean that's all everyone ever says about me.
"A lot of people say... Not-so-great things about you."
Of course they do.
"Eh but I don't really pay attention to that stuff. I mean, you seem pretty cute to me~" he placed a hand on my face and laughed.
W-why do I feel so... Flustered? Sh-shut up Ouma, you just met him you can't be thinking like this.
A soft blush spread around my face and I pulled away from him
"R-right, well it was nice meeting you-" I got up to leave just before I felt him grab my hand.
He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered "Listen, if they ever bother you than come to me, 'kay?"
He let go of my hand and gave me a wave goodbye, I hurried off to the bathroom to straighten myself up


I arrive at the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.
I touch the spot where Shuichi placed his hand on my face and noticed something...
Is that...blood?!
I checked for any wounds on my face, there weren't any.
Does this mean that...

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