Everything I Have is Yours

Start from the beginning

He's still lost in his thoughts when Cameron arrives home and is startled when Cameron leans in and kisses him softly. Hayes and Skylynn are no longer sitting on the couch, they probably went to the kitchen to see what Rosa is making for dinner.

"You were a million miles away, baby." Cameron says, looking concerned. "You okay?"

"Just... not looking forward to returning to trailer tomorrow," he confesses, telling Cameron only part of what he was thinking about. He doesn't want Cameron to know how insecure he is about their budding relationship. He doesn't wan to ruin anything.

"Me either, I want you to stay so badly, Nash. I want you and the kids to live here with me, we would be so happy, the four of us," Cameron murmurs and leans in to press a soft kiss on Nash's lips.

Nash heart skips at Cameron's words, he knows that Cameron is being completely sincere. He's finally found someone that accepts him and his siblings but he can't actually live with him, it's so unfair.

"I wish we could stay, we would in a heartbeat. And not because of the things you provide us but because we love you and we want to be close to you. You make us happy, we feel your love, baby." Nash tells him sweetly and he presses a shy kiss on Cameron's lips.

Cameron knows he could be dirt poor and Nash and his siblings would still love him just as much, but he's glad that he's not because he can provide them with everything that they need. He just has to make Nash see that it's not bad to accept his help, that Cameron won't look down on him and that Cameron only wants to make Nash's life better.

There's a few things he wants to talk to Nash about before they head out. He doesn't want anything to be looming over their date so he wants to get it out now before they leave.

"Baby..." he starts off quietly and Nash looks at him. "I want you to listen to me, let me talk and then you can tell me whatever you want, okay?"

Nash nods and looks at Cameron intently.

"I know you have to go back to the trailer, I know you do. I know why and you're right about the whole situation with custody of the kids. My lawyer is looking into it but please baby, please let me lighten your load while we figure things out. I love you so much, baby and it kills me to see you struggle. I don't blame you for struggling, you carry more responsibility than an 18 year old should carry. You had no true support system, but now you do. You have me and even Rosa," Cameron tells him cautiously, he pauses to allow Nash to process what he's saying. He takes Nash's hands into his and strokes it gently.

"There are a few things I want to change. First, I want to pick you up for work and at the same time pick the kids up for school. We can drop them off together and then return to the ranch. That way they don't have to ride that old ass bus with that rude driver and you don't have to walk in the freezing weather. I feel really strongly about this, baby. It would kill me to know that you're walking in miserable weather when I have a perfectly good car that you guys can ride in. The second thing is I want to bring their lunch when I pick you guys up. Don't be ashamed, I know you're doing the best you can with what you have. I know you are, Nashy but Rosa would love to make them lunch and I know they've been enjoying them a lot," Cameron stops talking and gauges Nash's reaction. Nash looks thoughtful and he's chewing on his bottom lips slowly.

"The third thing is I want to keep picking them up from school and I can bring them back to the ranch, I know they'll absolutely love it, plus Rosa has fallen in love with them. She's treating them like her grandchildren, it's really cute. Once you're done working I can drop the 3 of you off at the trailer." He finishes talking and continues to stroke Nash's hand gently. Nash is quiet, his mind is racing, he had already been thinking about returning to their life exactly as it had been before but what Cameron is proposing makes their lives so much more easier and it's so beneficial for the younger children that it would be so selfish of him to say no just because of his pride.

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