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The two of you kept talking together as you walked back home, making idiotic jokes along the way, causing you to snort out some ice cream in the end.

*   *

"Tommy, pick up! Dummy," you huffed. You'd been trying to call Tommy for about a half an hour and he would not answer his phone. With a groan, you flopped back onto your bed. What would he be doing in the middle of the day? He wasn't streaming either. Did he lose his phone? Piles of clothes had been thrown down into the middle of your room as you forgot to take them out of the laundry and your mom needed to do hers. You took this chance to throw your phone into the pile. "Where the he-"

You were cut off by the buzzing of your phone. "Oh, finally!" You jumped for your phone, grabbing it and answering it.

"Y/N?" Tommy spoke, a little confused.

"What were you doing?!" You exclaimed, sitting up.

"Woah, calm down! I was eating lunch with my family," he answered. 

"Oh," you sighed. "Well, I have news." 

"What news?" He asked.

"I've made a meetup with not only Toby, but Will and George as well," you explained, picking at your fingernails.

"Oh? When and where?" 

"The mall next to the ice cream store we went to," you replied. He hummed, shuffling around.

"And is this an invite?" He was foreshadowing a wanted future. You chuckled quietly into the microphone.

"Yeah, of course. It'll be on Wednesday during the break, 8 am to 5 pm. Sounds good?" 

"Definitely will be there," he confirmed and you could tell he was smiling. Standing up, you made your way to the kitchen while staying on call.

"I have a question now," you stated, pulling out a banana as a snack. 

"Go on," he pushed. You peeled the banana, moving the phone's position around.

"Would you mind coming over today?" You asked, hope coursing throughout each word. Tommy hummed, pretending to decide though he already knew his choice.

"Alright, sure," he chuckled. Somewhere in your stomach you could feel a few butterflies fly around, making you nervous. 

"C-cool! I'll talk to you in an hour or so?" You suggested, fidgeting with the banana in your hand. 

"Somethin' like that," Tommy confirmed, saying a quick goodbye before hanging up. You took a bite of your banana to shut the butterflies up, setting your phone down onto the counter. With a frustrated sigh, you ran your hands through your hair and leaned back against the counter.

You had felt this feeling too many times. Too many boys, not enough feelings to go around. Except, this feeling felt a little different? It was stronger, it pulsed throughout you. There was something different about this boy that made your stomach take flips and your mind twirl endlessly for hours. But what was it?

*   *

Suddenly, it had been almost two hours when two knocks were heard, coming from the front door. You rushed to the door, quickly composing yourself before opening the door.

"Hey, N/N," he greeted, stepping inside. You closed the door, a small smirk plastered onto your face.

"Hi, Tomathy," you replied, glancing at him. He rolled his eyes at the word 'Tomathy', grabbing your hand and pulling you away. You whined but followed him as he went to your room. It wasn't his first time here. Luckily, you had managed to finish cleaning up your room in time. 

"I have something important to show you," he grinned as he let go of your hand and sat on your bed. Tommy pulled out his phone and went to his Gmail. He clicked on the first email and shoved the phone in your face. As you read through, you couldn't believe your eyes. 

"What?!" You exclaimed, your wide eyes meeting with Tommy's knowing eyes. "You got me a camera! Tommy, you didn't have to." And you really meant it when you said he didn't have to. He had already invited you to the SMP and he's become your best friend. You latched onto him, tightly hugging him. He chuckled and hugged back. 

"Nah, I felt like getting you something. You've been one of the greatest friends I've had and I couldn't possibly want someone else," he spoke frankly, twirling a piece of your hair. Once again, your face flushed a light pink but you hid it from him. "So, now that that's out of the way, what do you wanna do?" He pulled away from you and you moved back.

"Hm," you hummed, looking around your room. "Minecraft? Watch a movie?" Tommy's eyebrows raised slightly.

"Watch a movie, we already play Minecraft all the time," he answered, grabbing a pillow and setting it behind him for comfort. You picked out a movie and got comfortable as well.

*   *

Almost halfway through the movie, Tommy got a phone call and he got up, whispering to you about it. You nodded, giving him a thumbs up as he left the room. He didn't want you to stop the movie, so you kept it going. He had gone into your bathroom but left the door slightly open and you could hear every word. He tried to keep quiet as he laughed and spoke excitedly into the phone. It almost seemed like- was he blushing? You observed the scene a little more, knowing that this was someone Tommy was into. A wave of regret and jealousy crashed, throwing itself all around inside your body. You told yourself to stop feeling this way but nothing worked. Gritting your teeth, you got up and ran to the other bathroom in your house, leaving the movie on so Tommy wouldn't know.

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