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I had a really hard time choosing whether I wanted to use the og song or the recent song lol

Gritting your teeth, you got up and ran to the other bathroom in your house, leaving the movie on so Tommy wouldn't know.

*   *

"Take deep breaths," you mumbled to yourself. The jealousy blew up inside of you and you sat down, pulling your knees to your chest. Soft whimpers escaped your throat as the tears started to come. Just another boy gone, as well as another heart gone. When would you learn your lesson?

The door opened slowly and you could hear Tommy's voice, but it was muffled by the sound of your cries. Soft hands grabbed yours, squeezing them tightly. You looked up to see a panicked Tommy asking a million questions every second. You almost smiled but then remembered what brought you here in the first place. 

Without thinking, you kissed him. It was quick but gentle kiss and you pulled away once you realized what you had done. 

"Shit- I'm sorry," you whispered, the tears spilling out faster than before. Tommy's eyes were wide, filled with shock. 

"What- what the fuck?" He managed to say, furrowing his eyebrows in anger. 

"I-I didn't- I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," you sobbed, diverting your stare to the floor. Tommy took a deep breath. He pulled you up, giving you a quick hug. 

"Just- please don't do that again," he mumbled.

"Yeah, s-sorry," you sniffed, wiping your eyes. 

"I gotta go, my mom texted me," he said, letting go of you.

"Ah, okay. Bye, Tommy," you responded.

"Bye, Y/N."

*   *

The days had passed and Tommy had only texted you a couple of times. You understood very well that you had messed up and you regretted everything you did that day.

But today? Today was the day you were meeting up with Toby and Will and... Tommy. So today? Today you'd dress yourself nicely, you'd take a shower, and you'd eat a little more than usual. 

It was almost 9 am and you were waiting for Wilbur to pick you up. As soon as he arrived, you hurried outside and hugged him tightly. 

"It's so good to see you!" You exclaimed as he ruffled your hair.

"You too," he chuckled. "Toby's already there, excitement pushed him to leave sooner." You got in the passenger seat of his car. 

"Ah, that makes sense," you grinned, buckling up. Wilbur got into the drivers car.

"You ready?" He looked at you, buckling up himself. You nodded as confirmation and so he drove off to the mall.

*   *

The chat you and Will had was pretty exciting, each taking turns to talk but then butting in on each other.

When you had made it to the mall, you couldn't wait to jump out and hug Toby. So you didn't. You immediately got out of Wilbur's car and jumped onto Toby once you saw him. He yelped in surprise, but once realizing who it was, laughed. He tried pushing you off but you were almost glued to him. 

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, finally hugging you back.

"I missed you," you mumbled, almost squeezing him to death.

"Me too," he gasped for air and you loosened. 

"Sorry!" You moved off of him as Will shouted- that name..

"Tommy!" Will shouted. "Who's that?" You glanced back to see who Will was talking about and your heart seemed to crumble. Was that the girl on the phone? But why...

"This is L-" He was cut short my an excited shout from the girl.

"His girlfriend!" She giggled annoying, turning towards me. "Oh! Are they another couple?" Tommy's cheeks had gone slightly red and he shook his head.

"No, they're just friends." For some reason, this seemed to darken the girls mood. She marched over to you, keeping her voice low as she spoke.

"I'm Lucy. You are?" She helped you up to your feet so you could talk better.

"Er- Y/N," you answered. She looked around suspiciously before flicking your nose. "Ow! What the hell?"

"Listen to me. You see my boyfriend over there? Tommy? Don't get anywhere near him this trip. I don't like the way he looks at you," she huffed, turning away from you. 

"I-" Before you could even say anything, Lucy stormed back off to Tommy, grabbing his arm with a little force. What did she mean by the way he 'looks at you'. You shook your head, a little confused, and waited for the others by the entrance of the mall. It seemed like it was going to be a long day for you.

THE GUIDE TO A WOMAN'S HEART | tommyinnit x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin