Chapter 22: I See You

Start from the beginning

How did I end up in a joint like this?

Something about this man—just his mere presence—was so ridiculously comforting to me that I didn't hesitate before I opened my mouth.

"I didn't have a whole lot of friends growing up, in case you never noticed. Everyone thought I was snobby, but I was just shy. My older brother was Christian Ryder. Everyone fawned over him, even then. And Bella, well, she could make Hitler fall in love with her. She's so loved by everyone, and she was always a queen bee. My brother and sister were fine because they were objectively gorgeous people and knew how to charm anyone with a pulse. They knew how to deal with people and interact—connect with them. But I never did. At least not with people I didn't know. I didn't know how to be superficial and pass it off as cordiality. I wanted genuine. I wanted real. I got enough fake shit from my dad at home. I wanted to make real connections with people."

He didn't say a word, just listened silently. It was comforting. No one ever let me speak like this to them because they always interrupted with faux comforting words or empty advice. It gave me the strength to continue.

"As I got older, I realized that was fucking impossible. At the end of the day, every relationship is just some kind of transaction. They'd always want something from me or use me to get closer to my siblings. Bella and Christian were loved more than me at home. And now I had to deal with it at school too. So instead, I would always just stay quiet and stay away from people. That way, no one ever disappointed me. I was the odd one out, essentially, because I never talked and yet I sat with the Christian Ryder. The older hottie that everyone was obsessed with. Everyone at school drooled over you like crazy, by the way, not just Christian and Francis. Francis was taken pretty quick and Christian was so he charmed everyone without even trying. But you were the bad boy. You just never cared about any of them," I chuckled and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Maybe because I only cared about one person and she never even looked at me," he said quietly.

I blinked.


"Go on, princess."

"I used to ditch school a lot."

A small smile crept across his face at my mention of breaking the rules as if me skipping Algebra and him breaking bones on the reg were in the same planet of rebellion.

"I would walk around New York all alone like an idiot. I was... 11? 12, maybe. And I would be in my uniform and my stupid backpack, walking around aimlessly and one day, I found this place. Mario, the owner, saw me staring at the pizza through the glass and he walked out in two seconds, handing me a slice. I dug out my purse to pay and he laughed at me, shaking his head, folding my palm and patting it twice. He had no idea who I was. He just showed me kindness because that's who he is. Ever since then he never lets me pay. It was my experience at someone who showed me kindness without wanting something in return. He just wanted a smile on my face. Oh, by the way, you're the only person I've ever brought here so don't go telling people about it. It's my safe haven," I warned and he nodded.

"I feel special," he said wryly.

My face heated up immediately. "You are."

He rested his elbows on the tiny table between us and I mirrored it.

"Anyway." I shook off the feeling. "I loved it. I loved not being known. I loved it so much. Bella and Christian, they were made for the spotlight. I never was. This place has been crumbling for years but I keep it alive with my money. Mario doesn't know. I don't want him to. He's the only person who sees me as me, and not Jackson Ryder's daughter or Christian and Bella's sister. I'm not giving that up. That's how I ended up in a joint like this."

He leaned in so close to me that I could see every single curve of his face, the flecks in his eyes. I reciprocated once again.

"And now," I continued breathlessly. "I'm sitting here with Damon Hale. There goes my anonymity." I tried to laugh but nothing came out.

After a long silence, he searched my face to see if I was going to say anything more and when I didn't, he spoke.

"I see you, princess. I've always seen you," he said so softly that his voice was almost a whisper.

"And who do you see?"

He didn't hesitate before he answered.

"You're strong. You give up a lot of yourself for other people. To make people around you happy. Even if it means you are not. You don't want people to know who you are, but they do. Not because of your last name but because of your kindness. You exude it. No matter how much you try to hide your heart with your mouth, it's always there."

My heart beat violently in my chest, each thump threatening to leak arterial blood all over me. Questions filled my mind. Ones like why did you stay away from me all these years when I could have found out how incredible you were so long ago?

"I thought you like my mouth."

"I do. Very much," he said nonchalantly. I swallowed hard. "Ariadne..."

"Yes?" He didn't speak for a while. "Use your words."

"Ariadne," he said again.


"Do you know what I want to do right now?"

My heart pounded so loudly I could hardly hear the words coming out of his mouth. "Tell me, Damon."

A low noise of contentment escaped him. He leaned in closer until his voice was a whisper but still retained the calm, icy edge to it.

"When you say my name, it makes me want to tie you down to my fucking bed and never let you leave. I want to tear your dress with my bare hands until you're naked, taste every single part of you for hours and then, I want to fuck you over and over and over again until you can't walk, Ariadne. You drive me fucking crazy."

My lips parted.

My breathing slowed.

My blood boiled even though his words had such a blasé tone to them.

Fuck, that sounded like heaven already, but he wasn't done.

"I want to make you come while you're screaming my name to the fucking sky so loudly that you can never take it back. So, I know you're mine. But at this very moment, do you know what I'm going to do instead?"


"I'm going to kiss you."

A smile formed on my lips. I waited for a moment before I answered.

"Do it then."

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