Guilty Party

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Funny how he invited them back to the old tour bus but he couldn't even sit with them for a minute. Sure, he went to go make coffee. It was late, didn't even bother to turn the lights on, not that he needed too. The light from the stage setup was still shining, casting a dim light on them. But still. He really just. Left them there to sit in awkward silence.

Sherman quietly and nervously looked at the door. Maybe this was to much. It was all. Overwhelming. It's not that he hated it- it was a nice gesture and he wanted to be- not nervous- but he was. Maybe if they had just been friends it would be less stressful- but they were the guys he had crushed on for ages, the guys he dated in secret, the guys he slept with... Of COURSE he wanted to be friendly after a decade, but- it was so. Awkward. None of them even really addressed the breakup directly, but he wanted to talk about it. He wanted to figure out where they'd go from here. And by GOD he wanted to kiss them. The two of them aged like fine wine- Bobbi barely even changed at all, he just looked more mature. He glanced down at his hands, and that's when he noticed Bobbi staring at him. He instinctively looked up at him, and Bobbi tensed for just a split-second.
"God, you're staring at the door like you have somewhere BETTER to be- if you're so desperate to leave again, just do it." He snapped. Sherman winced a bit- but he saw Bobbi's expression... just... the slightest bit of concern before he immediately tried NOT to seem like he cared at all. Bobbi was good at being rude as hell, even managed to nail the tone when really he wanted to cry. Sherman knew that. Sherman knew Bobbi left out the single most weighted word from that sentence. Me. Leave ME again. Because it was personal. Bobbi knew he was the one that left, he knew that was on him but- they never reached out... yes, he left first, but... they left too. They didn't even try. They KNEW he was sensitive they KNEW... didn't they...? And- well they PUSHED HIM... they... hurt him so BAD and- and he still loved them. He still loved them. Even now. He loved them.

Sherman sighed and pulled a VERY risky move. He took Bobbi's glasses from him.
"Hey! What the fu-" He WAS ready to give Sherman the verbal beating of a lifetime- but even with his vision slightly blurred- he could see how soft and at ease Sherman looked.
"There's my guy..." He said softly, holding back a chuckle when Bobbi broke eye contact to just angrily stare off in a random direction.
"The lenses are way to thick, y'know. Man- I can't even see your eyes. Why're you hiding them?" He asked.
"Sherman- I need those to see-" Bobbi avoided the question altogether.
"Here-" Sherman placed Bobbi's glasses on the other side of him and took off his own to place next to them. "Now we're even."
Bobbi stared at him. Maybe the poor lighting would hide the red hue forming on his cheeks. Sherman just- I mean he looked different. He looked a LOT different. He was stick thin before- now he was actually pudgy. All blonde hair had gone grey- he no longer wore contacts (much like Bobbi himself) and he overall just looked older... but in that moment somehow he still looked so similar. It was almost like no time had passed between them. In that moment, it wasn't just 2008. It was the 90s and the 2000s at the same time. Suddenly, the barrier of time between them didn't even seem to be there. Suddenly he didn't care if he let himself cry. The second Sherman noticed he- he kissed him. Somehow, guy who's good nature he'd so often taken advantage of, was kissing him like he didn't cause the mountains of stress and pain that he did, and he knew it was selfish, he knew it was unwise, but he kissed him back. Sherman wrapped his arms around his neck and Bobbi's hands found themselves in his hair, combing through it affectionately, keeping him close, he didn't want their lips to part- not yet. He needed this. He needed it so badly. He needed the comfort, the warmth, the love... but alas, everything ends, and it was the same for that kiss. They sat there in silence, foreheads pressed against each other. Neither wanted to break the silence. Neither dared.

"So... do I get one?"

They both jumped, and stared at Daniel, standing in the doorway, holding three travel mugs because those are so cool. I mean he had literally dozens of regular mugs, almost more so than actual cups, but he didn't wanna put effort into carrying three of those. This is a really long tangent about mugs.

Wow! Even more homosexual silence! It is very quiet. In a gay way. Bobbi stood up, but he didn't move. He kept staring. Not breaking eye contact. Sherman looked at the two in anticipation- or maybe it was just plain impatience. As if some unspoken agreement was just made, Bobbi finally stepped towards him and helped him set the mugs down on a table, and looking down at the one in his hand and he placed it on the table. Once again, refusing eye contact.

"Bobbi. I'm sorry."

He finally said it. He finally fucking said it. It was barely visibly, you had to really look, but Bobbi actually started physically shaking. Danny finally apologized. Genuinely. No condescending tone. No double meaning. He just put it out there. Bobbi looked at him. He was a little scared to speak. He knew whatever he said would probably take Danny from the verge of tears to borderline sobbing, no matter what it was.

"I forgave you." He started, trying to keep himself composed. His own tears were already flowing again, he was already so afraid.
"I forgave you a long time ago. Mostly because- sometimes- I guess I'm sorry too." He struggled adding that, but he felt it was necessary. Danny indeed, started holding back soft sobs. Yeah he. He fucked up big time. Y'know he never liked to think about it, because when he did it kept him up at night. He acted so collected and put together. He had his own little business, and he was passionate but relaxed. Mostly. Though, truth is he never really solved his issues. He suppressed them. He never forgave himself. He never learned how. Bobbi wanted to tell him he'd been a huge inconsiderate jerk- but he also knew he never meant to be- and he knew he REALLY didn't need that right now. Bobbi was a brutally honest guy by nature, but he wasn't heartless.

Danny never looked so alone. Just standing there, hands up like he wanted to cover his face, but he couldn't even manage that, and they slowly went back to his sides. Fuck it. Fuck it all. He got down on his knees and stared at the floor. Standing was to hard. Moving was to hard. Everything was to hard. It was all. Painful. Bobbi sat down next to him, Sherman quickly got up to do the same. They hugged him, they held him and they said to themselves without words that it would last this time. Danny just gave up on being quiet and let himself wail. He felt helpless and small. So insignificantly small. There was a word for how he felt. A perfect word. Contrite, meaning to be affected by guilt. From the Latin word conterere, to grind down and wear away. That's how he felt. Like everything he was and ever had been had been ground up, nothing left but the fine powder known as regret, and that's all he'd ever be from that point on. He'd been reduced to this, and he felt he could only place blame upon himself, and so he did. But thoughts were so easily interrupted by the comfort of Bobbi rubbing circles into his back, and Sheman gently shushing him and combing his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not mad at you. I was never mad at you." Sherman whispered quietly.
"We all made mistakes... no one here is innocent. No one here hates you." Bobbi added. Danny's full-blown sobs had actually softened to whimpers. He wondered if he looked at pathetic as he felt, but a gentle kiss on each side of his face from the both of them sort of lessened his worries.

"I... I could understand if you don't WANT anything romantic... but I'd do anything to at least be friends again." He sighed, sounding a lot better already, but not exactly hopeful. Bobbi just. Gripped his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He wasn't sure how shocked he was. Bobbi always had that bold "fuck you I do what I want" energy and this was definitely a reminder. Bobbi pulled away after a second to look him in the eyes.
"Listen sweetie, jerk or not you're still one of the sexiest men alive." He wasn't entirely joking either like I mean he was here for personality but by god was that man attractive.

Sherman sat there quietly. He really never thought he'd see them kiss again. I mean when they were they were still "technically" an item the two could stand each other less each passing day- and then the breakup- and the YEARS that went by- and it just. He'd really given up hope. But the events of the whole day? I mean- most of it was just like something out of his best dreams. Expectations be damned ANYTHING could happen at this point. So he grabbed Danny and pulled him in for a kiss too because fuck it he's got something to lose again, but he sure as hell knows he won't this time. Man Danny was just getting ALL the kisses tonight. He could tell just how eager Sherman was so he pulled him as close and let him continue kissing him as passionately as he felt he could. Sherman eventually stopped the kiss.

"This might come as a shocker but I wanna be your guys' boyfriend again." Was all he had to say.

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