It's Cold Outside and They're Gay

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Long day. But the sun was still high up, and it WAS winter, which means it was definitely still pretty early, but they were all already cold and tired from hours of shoveling snow out of each other's parents' driveways like the good fucking sons they were. Absolute ANGELS. Course, they finished off with Bobbi's house because it was the most work, his parents wouldn't be home until later, and despite what Sherman wants you to believe, the BIG FANCY HOUSE is very exciting and he DOES want to jump on the table and see if he can reach the tiny chandelier.

Bobbi was taking what he WOULD call a bath in his BIG FANCY BATHROOM, but it might as WELL HAVE BEEN A SPA TREATMENT WITH HOW LONG HE TAKES. Danny sighed and pulled Sherman closer. Mostly because he was freezing. Tiny boy. Cute, but takes less time to become a popsicle. He'd have you believe he did not mind. He'd have you BELIEVE he was fine, but he twitched and shivered every time he couldn't focus on NOT twitching and shivering. Not to mention how rosy his cheeks were. Poor poor little rat man... consuming whatever body heat Danny had to spare. Sherman hopped up and looked at Danny with those big pleading eyes that just said "hey can I sit in front of you?" so Danny scooted back and spread his legs enough to make room for him. He wasn't surprised when Sherman got up and on the couch with his knees facing him. He did that often because- well he liked to. He liked to look at how STUNNING his boyfriends were- and snuggle. Easier to snuggle when facing them.

For a moment they did just cuddle like that, it was nice, sweet... they even kissed (and giggled because shhshd smooch...) and then Sherman pulled up his sweater, and pulled it over him. He rested between his tank top and the sweater and continued cuddling him like that, pressing himself against him to hear his heartbeat. Danny was fucking FLUSHED TO SAY THE LEAST and Sherman noticed he was tense, so he pulled back the collar of the sweater to make eye contact with him.

"Hi. I'm cold."

"Hi cold, I'm Danny."

THERE HE IISSS. There's his guy. He awkwardly stuck his wrists out the neck hole and placed his hands on Danny's face, caressing it lovingly.

"I looove you!" He cooed softly and chuckled when Danny looked away.


"I love you too!"

"Yay!! Promise?"

Danny sighed softly and wrapped his arms around him.

"I promise."

"Okay! Thank you." He added before taking his hands back, hugging him again. Sherman just clung to him. Did he crave warmth? Was he just really gay? The world may never know... but it was totally both it was very much both. Danny was comfortable enough to BE a bed and the sweater was just the blanket of choice.

"You're wonderful, y'know that?" Sherm asked softly.


"You aaarrree... everything about you... y'know? Like- your eyes are so gorgeous and your hair is so soft... your skin is perfect-"

"I have acne-"

"Acne is just temporary freckles with a cool texture."

"Yeah, okay."

"And your voice is just- breathtaking, it's no wonder everyone listens to you, it's hard to speak when a god is-"

"Eugh I'm gonna choke on all this SACCHARINE-"

"Awe... you remember my fancy words..."

"Yes... I remember your fancy words..."

"You're so kind... I'd kiss you but I'm cozy."

"That's okay, I am too."

"Good... I was a little worried. Heheh-"

"Nah, no need. I'm content like this."

"I'm glad... it's nice. Here. Listening to you and your heart..."

"What's it sound like?" Danny joked.

"Oh y'know. Bump. Bump. Bu- ShermanyouarethemanofmydreamsandIlove you... -mp... bump..."

"Oh good, I was worried I'd have to see a doctor after the second bump."

"Nope! Everything seems to be in order."

"Wow. Thanks for checking tiny dude."

"Thanks for letting me."

"Did I have a choice?"

"Nope." Sherman responded happily, just rubbing the side of his face against him like a cat, he was just very content. Danny pulled his arms out of the sleeves so he could better hold his boyfriend, gently stroking the side of his face with one of his hands. Sherman borderline purred, sleepily finding a comfortable position for himself.

"Hey guys, sorry I took awhile but-"

"Bobbi..!" Sherman mumbled happily.

Bobbi just stared at them quietly.

"He's cold-" Danny practically squeaked as quickly as possible. Was this to intimate? Maybe they were being to affectionate to fast- they hadn't even been dating a-

"Would you like me to get a blanket or something..?"

Danny felt Sherman nod faintly. Plus, he was a bit cold himself.

"Yes please-"

Bobbi sighed as if that was just the hardest thing to ask of him and just sashayed away like the handsome gay jerk he was. Damn. Sexy beast right there.

"He's a peach, truly." Danny wheezed quietly.

"Yeah..." Sherman responded after a yawn.

Danny knew he probably looked so dumb right now, all bashful and smiley. He couldn't help it he felt so loved and appreciated. Sherman was an absolute blessing and a delight to be around. And he?? Loved him?? Actually??? That was. So swag of him. He almost told him how swag he was until he heard that distinct sound- not quite snoring but close, the gentle and audible breathing of someone who was asleep. Oh my God he might sob why was he so cute...

"Alright fuckers I-"

"SHHhhh..." Danny shushed him with INFINITE hostility before going soft as fuck again. Lightly tilting his head towards the form under his sweater that was: a sleeping angel. Absolutely precious. Do not wake.
"Oh great, he's asleep." Bobbi huffed in annoyance and trudged over, sitting down next to Daniel and throwing the blanket he brought over their legs.
"Yeah..." Danny mumbled affectionately, snuggling Sherman close.

"The SECOND he wakes up I just know he's gonna fucking... tackle me forty times over."

"He looooovvvvves yoouu..."

"That's not my problem."

"You're right, it's NOT your problem, it's your privilege, and it's one he gives to you."

"Well fuck, Dan. If I wanted to get all philosophical I woul-"

"And he knows you love him too, y'know?"

"... No idea how he does. No idea how he did-"

"But he did, didn't he?"

"Yeah... yeah I guess the little fucker did. Here I am thinking he's just the biggest airhead... man... maybe he is, considering he didn't say shit."

"I mean, how would you have reacted if he did? Denial? Anger? You're not exactly an open person, Bobs."

"I know..."

"But hey... I know you love me too, and for whatever it's worth dude... I love you just the same."

I mean imma be honest Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat