The man next to her was equally as gorgeous. He was tall, lithe, with blue-black skin and long legs that seemed to go on for miles. He was handsome, in a strange, almost questioning way. His eyes Yes, definitely orange, and his mouth curved into a wicked grin that had my insides twisting. He looked older than the woman, but not by much.

"Ah, Eira, come grab breakfast. It's two minutes before six, you did well," Elda said. The two strangers turned to look at me.

"Is this the new recruit, Elda?" the beautiful woman asked. She ran her tongue over her teeth, sharp teeth. I swallowed hard. The two of them didn't look like they were from this village. They weren't wearing ratty clothing, didn't look half-starved. And if they were from here, I would have recognized them.

"Not yet, but don't spoil the fun, Anastasia," Elda said, smacking at her arm. Anastasia only purred, keeping her eyes on me. It could've been a trick of the light but I could've sworn I saw her eyes turn into slits, like a cats.

"Who are you two?" I asked, still hovering in the doorway. I turned my foot slightly, letting the dagger hilt dig into my skin. I was safe, I was safe, I was safe. I could protect myself. The man leaned backwards, taking a deep sip from his mug.

"Grab your food first, I'll talk while you eat, and then you can ask questions," Elda said. She looked less worn down from last night, but she still looked awfully withered and old. Although she had traded out her muddy cloak for a newer, fresher black one.

I wasn't a fool, so I didn't turn down breakfast, especially not when it smelt so good. Keeping them in my peripheral vision, I walked over to the kitchen. Three was a setup there, a pan full of eggs, a plate with bread that had an assortment of jams next to it, a bowl of different fruits, a plateful of bacon. Bacon! I hadn't ever had bacon. I broke off a piece and tried it. Holy shit, how had I never had bacon? I piled more onto my plate along with eggs and two pieces of toast, which I lathered with jam. Breakfast of kings.

I brought my plate to the circular table and sat in the seat farthest from the two strangers. All three of them stopped talking and laughing as I sat down. The man looked at my plate, amused. "What? Have you ever starved before?" I asked, squinting slightly. The man grinned at me, something like approval flickering in his eyes.

"I have," he said. It was the first time I heard him speak, his voice was deep and smooth and it crackled with something...different. Something otherly.

"Then you should know I won't pass up food." I bit into my toast, trying to keep myself from moaning because I wasn't going to be that person. "Talk, Elda. I have questions." I shot my gaze over to Elda, who was sipping from a tall mug of tea.

"So pushy," she said, clicking her tongue. "Well, first of all, I'd like to introduce you to Anastasia and Dimitri. They're old friends." Anastasia waved at me slowly and Dimitri, the man, glared at her.

"You don't have to scare her like that," he said, swatting at her. "She's just trying to be intimidating, don't mind her. I'm Dimitri." He offered me his hand and I shook it. He winked at me before taking another long sip of whatever was in his cup.

"I wasn't scared," I said, taking another bite of toast. The lie was clear as day on my tongue and they all glanced at me, as if they knew. I tried not to shrink into my chair.

"Right well, where to begin?" Elda said, clasping her hands together. "We'll start simple. I wasn't exactly lying when I said this was a homeless shelter of sorts."

"Of sorts," I asked

"Quiet. Or else I'll never finish," Elda said, her deep, blue eyes narrowing on me. "As I was saying, we do take in the needy, the ones who were cast aside by this wretched system. The ones who are desperate and in need of food, warmth, and family." I felt my heart ache at the word 'family'. I used to have a family, but ever since Tellie and Heather left, I'd been feeling so alone. Like a stranger in my own body. I could barely remember a time when I felt loved and cared for. Appreciated.

Forged in Frost and Fire (Book 1 in the Chronicles of Kings trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now