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~detailed crack smut~

John sat on the couch. His kneecap ached and his back hurt from lifting up a peice of paper. He read a book called 'the chair and the pineapple'. It was about a sexy chair falling in love with a mouldy pineapple.

Just then his boyfriend entered the house. He was perfect. His hair shone like the blood of dead rats, his teeth were as white as unused white crayons and his face
His face was the most handsome muscular thing I have ever seen.

His name was Alexander Hamilton. And I am horny.

He sat next to me and in a seductive voice he said
"Hey baby~"

I squeaked like Jefferson's rubber ducky. I think my dick grew an inch at the sound of his voice. My face immediately morphed into a lenny face. Oh no. That's a sign that I'm horny. He knows.

He looked me up and down which made his shirt rip off.

"You want dicc. Dont you" alex asked majestically

I nodded with such speed that it shook the couch.

"Yes daddy" I said like a highschool girl.

"Shall I get the Jemmojammo jam?"

"Yes." I hovered to the bed like a sexy t-rex. I collected a shoe and a potato on the way. We shall use these ;)

Alex entered the room without clothes and a bottle of Jemmojammo jam which made my hair sexier.

"Father alexdre please FUCC me" I pleaded.

"Of course hunnowunno" he approached me. My clothes magically dissolved and I was neked.

I handed him the shoe. He raised it up slowly.

Ha you fools you thought he would spank him

Alex then poured the jemmojammo jam on the shoe and in my ass. I felt the shoe enter me and i moaned with delight. Alexdre noticed and shoved the shoe in deeper.

"Deepthroat me daddy Please" I asked

"Of course bby" alex picked me up by the waist and shoved me head first down his throat. I felt myself go down.

"Deeper daddy"
"Okay" he could barely talk because of how deep I was in him. I felt my feet touch his lips and he pulled me out. He removed the shoe from my ass as well and thrusted the potato in.

I screeched like a pterodactyl from the pleasure. Alex thrusted it in me at the speed of light.

"IM GonNa BrEaThe" I said between moans.

"Me to babe!" Alex screeched.

I inhaled deeply. He did as well. He removed the potato and I accidentally breathed in a pencil. Yum.

"Thank you boyfro" I said before exploding

"Yw hun"

Wtf did I just write

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