Second Day

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Nothing has changed

Bulgaria: "Good morning everyone. Hopefully everyone has a momentous day." 9:54 AM

Sweden: "Good morning. Sorry, I have been looking through criminal files. SO BAD." 11:23 AM

Vietnam: "Good Morning, although it is a different time here." 11:25 AM

Egypt: "Have a nice day everyone!" 11: 32 AM

South Africa: "Yes, Have a nice day." 11: 43 AM

Later On....

USA: "Russian SPY found in New York, New York. On the news. He was found rummaging through military secrets, and I have proof." 2:05 PM

Iraq: "How are we supposed to trust you when you did not trust Russia?" 2:09 PM

Iran: "Agreed. How?" 2:11 PM

USA: "Our proof is that we took his fingerprint and it traced back to a Volcove, which is a Russian name. He also had a buddy whistleblower. That is all the evidence you need." 2:17 PM

France: "I am starting to agree with USA more. That is a lot of evidence. But, I am not taking sides until more evidence is found." 2:34 PM

Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, South Africa, Vietnam: "Us Too."

Sides so far:

USA allies: Japan, Germany, England, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Poland.

Russia's side: China, North Korea

Neutral: France, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, South Africa, Vietnam.

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