The First Days Of The Talk

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Note: Of course this is in all English so all of you can understand. After every chapter is done, someone will comment on the next topic for the next chapter. If i do not know the topic well, then i will research. Enjoy!


Germany: "Good Morning everyone! Pretty outside, isn't it?" 10:12 AM

Russia: "Well remember, Germany. We are from other countries too. Over here it is kind of rainy." 10: 32 AM

Germany: "That's right, by bad. What's the talk of the town over there in Moscow?" 10:34 AM

Russia: "Nothing much. Actually, nothing at all. (Besides that USA has sent a spy.)" 10:35 AM

Japan: "Why would USA send a spy? I mean, for what reasons? Military sabotage, information, or what?" 10:36 AM

Russia: "Information. He was found in our underground military influence building in Moscow. He will be sentenced death." 10:39 AM

USA: "Stop throwing false information at everyone! We have not sent a spy in anywhere in Russia. That is a fact." 10:41 AM

Poland: "I feel this room getting pretty heated." 10:45 AM

Germany: "Poland, how about you go back to spending your time with the mobs rioting about Abortion, huh? Mind your own business." 10:46 AM

Poland: "Germany, this is not your conversation either. How about you mind your own business too?" 10:48 AM

Spain: "How about everyone calms down and stop making accusations." 10:50 AM

Russia: "I did not make any accusations! We found the American, who was Russian race and spoke Russian, but he did not explain why he knocked out two guards! He was and still is a spy." 10:52 AM

Denmark: "Well, you are going to have to prove it. Find the proof and i will believe." 10:57 AM

China: "I am not surprised the USA is trying to find our secrets again. They are always causing trouble, aren't they. USA has no chance against me and Russia and North Korea." 11:01 AM

North Korea: "Yes, indeed. They have no right trying to find our high quality military devices." 11:03 AM

South Korea: "What advanced technology? All North Korea has is Atomic Bombs and Nuclear Warheads. USA is way more advanced in military than any of you. Agreed?" 11:07 AM


Japan: "Agreed."

Germany: "Agreed."

France: "Agreed."

England: "Agreed."

Saudi Arabia: "Agreed." 

USA: "That wraps it up then. You guys are the ones outnumbered." 11:30 AM

Sides so far:

USA allies: Japan, Germany, Denmark, England, France, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Poland.

Russia's side: China, North Korea

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