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disclaimer: there will be brief mentions of self harm, drug abuse and eating disorders, they will not be a large part of the storyline and i will do a recap after where it is if you don't want to read that partenjoy———————————————————————penny war...

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disclaimer: there will be brief mentions of self harm, drug abuse and eating disorders, they will not be a large part of the storyline and i will do a recap after where it is if you don't want to read that part
penny warner 

she was the third of your co workers who's dead body had been found, the first being nigel perez and second jamie young

all of you were working for a modern remake of some old french musical, nigel and jamie were actors, penny was the director's assistant and you were a costume designer, you four were the only ones who weren't stuck up celebrities who thought they were better then everyone else so you all became close friends

when nigel didn't show up to work without any sort of notice you, jamie and penny were the only ones who were concerned, a week later jamie disappeared so you and penny went to the local police, who thought they were just actors who wanted to get a secret getaway to the bahamas or something.

another week passed and penny had disappeared, you were the last one left, you asked the director, chris, if possibly penny asked for time off work, trying to put away any sort of thoughts that they've all been kidnapped or something horrible like that

all you got back was that he thought penny had 'fucked off' with the other two and his biggest concern was getting someone else to replace all of them

two days had passed and you were working on taking in the ballgown costume for the new actress who had replaced jamie. when you heard the news about nigels body being found dumped in an alleyway, two days later jamie's and another two days passed and penny's was found. your only friends were dead, it was awful, but more awful for the local police who were getting a lot of slander for not doing anything about the missing people before it was too late, so the chief of police decided they had to do something to stop the complaints.

'have you heard? they've called the fbi in about all the murders' chris' new assistant, jessie, says trying to catch up with you as you walk towards the new lead actors dressing room to get their measurements

'good' you say 'the police here are useless, how do you know?' you say starting to pick at your nails, a habit you had as a child but had started doing again when nigel first went missing

'some woman called garcia contacted chris saying she needed lists of anyone who worked or knew the three of them' jessie answered as you reached the dressing room

'i hope they catch that sick bastard' you say knocking on the door and turning to her 'right i've got to do this but if you find out anything i want to know straight away'

'your wish is my command' jessie says before walking off to chris' office, ever since she was hired you felt like she tried too hard to be your friend, like she felt bad your only friends were dead so she wanted to replace them.

teams point of view

'we have three victims nigel perez, jamie young and penny warner all three of them were missing before their bodies were found dumped in an alleyway' garcia told the team over the video call 'all the icky stuff like pictures are on your tablets'

the team all scroll through the images of the bodies, nigel had had an overdose, jamie's wrists had been slit and penny had starved to death.

'all three of them have completely different causes of death, other then the disposal of the bodies how are they related?' jj asks as she reads through the case file

'they were all working together on a film which i won't even even bother to attempt to pronounce, but according to their boss them three and another girl y/n y/l/n were good friends on set and would go out for drinks and parties together outside of work'

'so is this y/n girl our unsubs next victim' rossi asks

'i doubt it' reid says 'he took his victims and kept them captive for weeks before dumping the bodies, if he wanted this other girl he would've taken her before dumping the bodies'

'so why these three' prentiss asks as she examines the pictures

the team discussed theories the rest of the plane ride, and as the plane landed hotch told everyone where to go

'prentiss and jj go to coroners, reid and rossi go to the film set and interview their co workers and boss and morgan and i will go to the local pd and set up there'
sorry this might feel a bit rushed, i just wanted to get the first chapter out
again i'm not the best writer but i'm trying my best!
i'm gunna try and get as many out as soon as i can

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