But there was one person who was watching everything silently, planning to spoil Liam's rasm, at least this one before she is to go back tomorrow. She can't spoil the food since everyone knows Liam's skill in the kitchen and they would doubt if something went wrong. But she can distract him from the cooking enough that it gets burned or he hurt himself. She has the perfect plan.

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Liam was enjoying the cooking. He had his Spotify playlist on shuffle and he was moving around in the kitchen with ease. He was in his element. As Liam was finishing up the main course and started working on the dessert, Zeenat was acting on her plan.

She flooded the laundry room next to the kitchen, and the soap water from the washing machine was getting into the kitchen and Liam, unaware of this, did a small dance step going to the fridge and-


He slipped and fell on his butt. And it hurt. Zayn looked up from his phone and saw Liam on the floor and he started laughing. He would go and help Liam up, but unfortunately he has been banned from entering the kitchen. So, it's not his fault that he is not helping.

Liam glares at Zayn and tries to get up again. Only to slip and fall back again and Zayn has stomach ache from laughing. Liam was so sure this was done by Zayn.

"How brave of you Zayn! You can't fight from the front so you're stooping this low?"

Zayn stopped laughing. Did he just?

"You fell down because you are a clumsy little monkey! Why are you blaming me?"

"Excuse you! I fell down because you flooded the kitchen! There's soap water every where! No wonder you were put in Slytherin, you are so evil!"

Now Zayn can take an insult to himself. But an insult on his house? Damn the Gryffindor!

Zayn walked quickly to tell Liam to keep his mouth shut if he doesn't know better but he couldn't get much out because the moment he entered the kitchen he slipped and fell on his ass, much to Liam's pleasure.

"Stop cackling like Bellatrix, you moron! Ouch my bum!"

Zayn winced and Liam laughed more.

"Bum? Zayn, you haven't got any! You're flat like this kitchen tiles!"

That's it! Zayn doesn't have much patience. So he did what he had to do. He splashed the soap water on Liam and-

"Now you're not laughing!"

Zayn was expecting for Liam to do the same thing to him. What he did not expect was for Liam to move forward and grab Zayn's hair. His precious hair!

And then they were fighting like they fought on the football field all those years ago, when they were 6 and 7 to be exact and they were covered in mud when they got back home. Except, this time it's soap water.

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"Why aren't there any noises?"

Trisha wondered out loud. She has zero trust in her son. By this time he must already have started a fight with Liam.

"I'm wondering that too Ammi. Why haven't we heard Zayn's "Ammi! Liam is throwing eggs at me!" when it's actually him throwing eggs at Liam?"

Doniya laughed. Honestly though, why can't they hear anything? Peace and Ziam won't go together..

"Let me go check. I don't want to have to call the fire department or an ambulance by the end of the day!"

Enna Sona [Ziam]Where stories live. Discover now