Twenty Seven

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As promised Zayn stopped the flirting and Liam stopped with the boobs comment. But if he sneaks a look when Zayn is changing out of his PJs, no one has to know.

Zayn goes down after changing without waiting for Liam and Liam walked into the dining hall to hear-

"I can make a decent omlet!"

"And my kitchen would look like a tornado passed through it! No thank you baby!"


Liam said smiling at Trisha who was ruffling Zayn's hair.

"Morning Beta! We were waiting for you. Come sit!"

Liam goes to sit next to Zayn.

"No, don't sit next to me. Go sit next to Ammi's chair. She loves you more anyway!"

Zayn huffed and Liam was confused. He knows Zayn gets like this when Badi Ammi shows a bit more love to Liam in her words or actions, but what happened today?

Trisha hit Zayn softly on his arm with a "behave!"

"Don't worry Liam. Bhabhi just told Zayn the truth about his cooking skills and he is sulking because he can't take the truth."

Zileh snickered when Zayn mocked her, making a face.

"I don't understand.."

Liam smiled politely. Why are they making fun of Zayn's cooking skills?

"Ay mera baccha! We have one more rasm to do and after this you two are finally free and can start going to work."

Zileh smiled at Liam's excitement and Zayn's dreadful look. That nalayak has never gone to the office before.

"Do you know what pehli rasoyi is?"

It was Doniya who asked Liam. He had some idea, but not sure.

"It's basically the first kitchen experience for the daughter-in-law in her husband's house. We didn't want to show any partiality but you know we value this house and our life a bit more than equality, so we can't make Zayn cook anything without extreme supervision. And both of you cooking together would be disaster on an entirely different level. So.."

"I have to cook?"

Liam is glad to cook. He loves cooking, and he has got praises before from everyone for his cooking. It's a piece of cake for him.

"Only if you are okay with it."

Trisha put in not wanting her son-in-law to think she's making him work instead of her own son.

"I would love to, Badi Ammi. Don't worry. You know I love cooking!"

"You know I love cooking! Who are you? Gordon Ramsay?"

"It's not my fault you can't cook."

"Did I say it's your fault, Mr. I Can Do Everything?"

"And this is exactly why Liam will be in the kitchen and Zayn, you will watch him work from here. You are Not allowed to go in and disturb him. You are Not allowed to go do something else either. Understood?"

Trisha gave her best "no drama" look and Zayn had no choice but to agree. He will play Candy Crush to waste time. Liam can do his Master Chef Malik version.

Everyone got excited because Liam is cooking. Once in a while Liam gets this cooking fever and that will be the best time for both families because he would make for both of them. Even Zayn loves Liam's cooking, he would never admit it though.

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