Yoongi: you shouldn't kitten it's harmful

You: then to you too ..

Yoongi looked at me I pull out some lolipop from my pocket and unwrap the wrapper and put the lolipop on his lips

You: take it

He open his mouth accepting it as I smile ... And eat another pop ヾ(˙❥˙)ノ


Yoongi: you should sleep

You: okie how bout you aren't you gonna sleep

Yoongi: umm jhope is in my room so I came here don't worry I'll go to his room

You; okk

You greet him night and turn around to go to your room you lock the door and was about to get into bed but you hear a knock

Knock knock !

I walk to the door and open to reveal yoongi

You: what happen yoongi-ssi

Yoongi: can I sleep here and um c-cuddle

You: uhhhhhh okayy I guess

He get inside and lock the door as silence get over you too

You tried to break it

You: we....should sleep now

Yoongi: yeah

You both get into bed but couldn't sleep so you two chat half and hour

Yoongi pov🍒

I was telling her about stuffs about mafia  then I hear lil snore and I look at her and saw her sleeping ...

I smiled at her I put her head on my chest and I could feel her soft breathe on my neck from nowhere she wrap her tiny hand around my waist which made me to do it also

Wow she have squeezey cute tummy
Then I cuddle with her to sleep
Although all this conversation he knew you aren't like other girls well you were just like yoongi savage , sleepy lazyass , and he like the think that you don't like to wear short dress or any girl type dress

Morning 🍒

Jhope pov🍒

I wake up and saw I was in yoongi hyung room then it hit me hard I remember what happened last night ugh she's gonna pay

I got out of room to my room and freshen up
Ugh I have bad headache


I go to kitchen to make something when I saw my sunshine

You: oh hi hobi-ssi

Jhope: whose hobi

You: uh I'm sorry here

I look at what's she's giving me  and it was lemon drink

Hoseok: how you-

Yoongi: I told her

Hoseok: oh thanks hyung tq sunshine


Day passed  it was 11:25 am only maids, you and jungkook was in house other members go their job as ceo

[Ceo in day|mafia in night]
You were in living room playing video games as taehyung gave it to you
His old stuffed toys and video games and fake guns
It was all around floor while you play video game cyber punk 2077🌙

You win again it's 99 level now you got bore so you take all the stuff and put it on its place

You go to kitchen and take out your banana milkshake well then you remember jungkook also liked it so you take bunch of banana milkshake and went to his room

     WARNING ⚠️ 18+

As you reach his room you knock several time but he didn't open it ... You sigh and said

You: imma open the door okkkk

You open the door as you said and you were sooooooooooooooo jungshoooooook by the view infront of you

Jungkook was panting hard as his plam was wrapped around his lil dude his hand going up and down as he moan your fucking name

Jungkook: a-ah k-krisoo~

You stood there all
jungsh👀k you tired to ran away but your leg was not moving but you fell on ground as you tried to walk  away you hit you knee
And you scream

You: oh God damn shit

And jungkook hear you he look up and smrik
So guys hope you like it and wait for 18+ pt2 what will Koo do with krisu ahumm you 😏
And also please be safe I heard that there's another virus more dangerous than covid-19 (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)

Please stay home and stay safe bunbun 🌈ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Thanks for your precious time and
Leave your precious votes 🍒🌈🍎

Love you bye  bunbun 🌈

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