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"Ah whyyy?? What's with the boss??" Like a kid who demands an answer for not getting his toy, Hyunjae shook her body.

Hanyoung turned her head and shot her death stare. "Hyung, I'm eating."

"Ah, sorry." Hyunjae took back his hands as he apologized. "But come on, tell us~" He poked her back.

Hanyoung shrugged. "Hyung, can I have your ice cream?" She asked Jacob who sat at the other side of the couch.

Being an angel hyung to Hanyoung, Jacob nodded his head in approval.

"Are you going to finish it up??" Hyunjae asked as he watched Hanyoung cleaning up her food on the table.

"Yeah, I wanna gain some weight so I can throw stronger punches next time." She answered as she got up to throw away the dishes.

Hyunjae leaned backwards with his arms across his chest. "Y-yah, you're scary."

Hanyoung laughed. "I heard that a lot. Anyways, did my mom contact you or anything?" She asked, still holding on to the dishes.

"Nope." Hyunjae shook his head.

Hanyoung cooed. "She's not as obsessive as I thought." She then turned her heels to the kitchen.

"Just leave it on the table, I'll throw the trash out." Jacob said.

"It's okay! I can do it." Hanyoung half shouted from the kitchen.

Awhile later, Hanyoung walked out of the kitchen with a filled trash bag in her hand. "I'll be back~" She sang before she heads out.


Just when she stepped out, her eyes fell upon a familiar back figure. Such coincidence, Haknyeon was already at the corridor with trash bags in his hand as well.

"Oh, Hakkie!" She called out.

He turned behind and grinned. "How are you doing?" He asked as he waited for her to catch up.

She laughed instead. "You just saw me last night."

"Oh silly me but it feels like ages since we last met." He cracked a joke.

"Then look at me as much as you want." She jokingly said.

"Since you're giving me the permission, I'll gladly do so." He answered.

She chuckled as shook her head then pressed the button at the elevator. After which, she caught him really looking at her. "You-" She pointed at him.

The lift opened revealing Younghoon which shut her off from saying anything else. The 99z stepped aside to give way for Younghoon to exit. During that time, Haknyeon and Younghoon exchanged small smiles while Hanyoung only looked at the floor.

Afterwhich, Hanyoung went inside followed by Haknyeon to the ground floor. Feeling the sudden change in her mood, he leaned at the side of the lift and faced her.

She avoided his gaze as she felt her body getting heated just from the stare. "Y-yah, are you really gonna keep staring at me?"

He confidently hummed. "You gave me permission anyways."

She snorted a laugh. "Fine, do whatever you want."

He smiled like a fool as her laugh rang in his ear. Even her laugh is beautiful.


Back at home, both Hyunjae and Jacob were wary of Younghoon's presence after knowing the fact that there was an ongoing fight between the childhood friends.

"What's going on? To the point she had to avoid you and spent her night at our neighbour's place." Jacob questioned.

"Yeah, what did you hide from her?" Hyunjae added.

Getting no answers from Younghoon, they could only sigh. "We know that we shouldn't be meddling but you better find some time and talk it out with her."

Hyunjae nodded in agreement. "Don't drag it out, it's gonna be awkward for all of us."

Younghoon huffed his cheeks. "I know. I'll try to solve it by this week."

He then dragged his feet to his room and plopped on his chair. Leaning his head backwards, he sighed once again as he rubbed his temple.


After throwing out trash at the back of the apartment, Haknyeon and Hanyoung went to stroll around their neighbourhood suggested by Haknyeon.

"Am I being immature?" Hanyoung randomly asked.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Haknyeon questioned back.

"I'm giving cold treatment to hyung. I should at least hear him out right?" She explained.

He smiled in relief and ruffled her hair. "It's normal to be impulsive when you hear shocking news. You're not being immature."

She clicked her tongue as she pondered. "I mean, I want his explanation but at the same I'm shoving him away with my cold treatment. Am I not being childish here?"

He paused in his track and made her face him. He then lightly flicked her forehead as a wake up call. "Why are you degrading yourself? If you're that childish, you would have already cut the ties and left this place. Didn't you go to work today?"

She shifted her gaze to the ground with her pouty lips.

He then lightly grabbed her shoulders and crouched down a little to meet her eyes. "There's no right or wrong in handling this kind of situation. You have faith in him, that's why you're not running away from him. You're just angry for that short period of time which is totally fine. You're not being childish okay? You just need some time to sort out your feelings."

She nodded as she understood his words of advice.

He then let go of his hands on her shoulders and straightened his body. "Don't worry, everything will be okay. Go to him when you're ready to listen."

She nodded again. "Thank you." She muttered softly. "And sorry for getting you involved."

He shook his head with his reassuring smile. "It's not a big deal."

She softly chuckled. "You're too nice." She complimented his nice gesture.

He rubbed his nape. "That's because I like you."

"You- WhAT??" She tilted her head in disbelief of what she just heard.

He nervously laughed. "You heard me right, I like you."

Flustered, she could only blinked her eyes and looked down at her shoes.

"Ah, did I just give you another problem to deal with?" He added, unsure of her reaction.

She looked up and met his gaze. "Oh no no no." She waved her hands in denial. "You didn't cause... I like you too." Her voice trailed off as she felt shy.

"Oh..." He bit his lower lips towards her confession, feeling slight hesitation for his next statement. "Then, so uhm, today's our day 1 ya?"

She shyly nodded then quickly averted her gaze elsewhere again.

"May I...?" He asked and she turned to see him reaching out his arm, wanting to hold hand.

Pressing her lips firmly in total shyness, she clasped her hand with his.

"Now that we're dating, let's share our worries and solve them together without feeling bad okay?" In his gentle voice, Haknyeon said and Hanyoung hummed in response.

Under the moonlight, the official couple continued strolling down the street, enjoying each other's company.

Thank you ♡


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