"Oop!" she quickly jumps, putting her fingers to the right side of her mouth. "Watch it there, lover boy." she giggles.

"It was an accident, don't flatter yourself." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Sureeeeee." she responds over dramatically, "Excuses, excuses. I know I'm irresistible."

I chuckle, "Come on, I'm not a child. If I wanted to kiss you, I would."

"So then do it." she teases.

I furrow my brows, "Who said I wanted to? Cocky much."

"You're just afraid you couldn't handle this," she says, leaning in with a silly kissy face and making kissing noises.

I start laughing in a fit, leaning back as she keeps coming closer, "B-Betty!"

I lose balance as I kept lean back any further, falling to the floor as she leans over me.

"You're probably a bad kisser anyways, hmph." she says, staring down at me.

"Oh yeah?"

She nods.

I hold her waist, pulling the both of us back up to sit upright.

"Then let's give it a shot. You can tell me if you're right."

She scoffs, "You're stupid."

"I'm not kidding, Betty. You think I'm a bad kisser? That's a really offensive claim, I'd like to prove you wrong."

Her cheeks flourish, "We can't kiss, Jug."

"Why not? You think it'll make things weird?"

She nods with wide eyes, as if I was stupid to even ask, "Yuh-huh."

"You really think so? I don't think it'd be weird, we play around all the time."

"I mean, I guess you're right." she says. "Fine."

I let out a breathy laugh, "Fine? You wanna do this, for real?" I ask, "I was just teasing you."

"No, now I'm curious. I'm down if you are." she says, pulling her hair out of her ponytail.

"What's all this?" I say, in asking why she's letting her hair down.

"Hair can play a really important role in things like this."

"Betts, you're making things weird, it's just a kiss."

"Well, I gotta do what I would normally do to make this a fair test!"

She runs her fingers through her hair, the middle part flowing gently over her shoulders. She adjusts her top and tucks one side of her hair behind her ear.

"Okay, I'm ready." she claims.

"You sure you're comfortable with this? I don't want to do anything you'd regret," I say, pulling off my jean jacket and throwing it onto the bed behind me.

"It's just you. I'm more comfortable with you than anyone else I know. Just don't fall in love with me." she shrugs.

"Haha, very funny. Okay then," I say, scooting closer to her, "Can I.." I begin as I bring my hand to the side of her face, slipping it under her hair and cupping her cheek.

She starts to smile, then biting her lip to hold in what I know is a laugh.

"C'mon, Betts, you can't be laughing."

She furrows her brows, "I'm not!" She giggles before clears her throat, putting her arms loosely around my neck. "I'm not." she says now with a serious face.

I smirk, fighting back a laugh as well. This is weirder than I thought it'd be. I kiss her face all the time. I think the build up is putting pressure on me now. Am I a bad kisser? We'll I can trust Betty will be brutally honest about it.

"Okay, I can kiss you now?"

She nods.

I lean in, close to her lips before she bursts into a soft laugh, putting one of her hands to my chest and turning her face to the left.

"Betty! Not helping with my confidence here." I say, laughing as well.

"I'm sorry! It's not you its just.. you. Like, it's because it's you, but not because you're doing something wrong."

She swallows sharply, shaking her head, her hair becoming slightly messy.

"Okay. I'm ready. For real this time."

"How about we move in together, so no one is waiting and starts laughing."

She nods, "Sounds good." She brings her legs behind her so she sits on her knees, able to lean in better.

We both inhale, and suddenly, our eyes shut and cautiously bring one to the other.

Before I know it our lips meet. I kiss her gently, waiting for compliance so as to check if she was still okay with this. I can feel her rise gently on her knees, cupping both sides of my neck and bringing her lips closer. I put my other hand on her waist as my head leans slightly up to kiss her, the other hand still on her cheek.

I kiss her deeper, licking her lips gently, her mouth opening slightly. A slight groan leaves her lips as her knees come closer to my crossed legs, I can feel them hitting me. I don't know what's happening anymore but I didn't want it to stop. Our kisses are furious, gentle put quick and passionate. Out of instinct, my hand moves from her waist to her thigh, pulling her leg over my knee and to behind me, inviting her to sit in my lap.

It's barely registering that this is my best friend, that this was just a test, nothing serious. It's nothing serious either way, right? I'm just showing her how I really kiss, and she wouldn't understand if I didn't do all the things I'd normally do, right?

She complies putting her hands on my shoulders as she lifts her legs over, moving her lips from mine for a mere moment and we make eye contact, but it's not awkward, it's not telling us to stop. We both want more. She sits in the divot of my crossed legs, wrapping her arms around my neck as her legs do my torso.

My hands run up and down her back, before finding its way to her hair, pulling it into a tight fist, earning a moan from her. I let her hair go, letting it fall over my hand at the back of her neck. She was right, hair does play an important role to her. Our tongues battle, slow but fiery.

This is going on too long. Stop now or it'll be too awkward.

"Betts," I whisper, slowing my kisses, moving my tongue away and just laying pecks.

I can feel a slight whine in response, her chest heaving as we kiss once more, long and tight before pulling apart.

She looks down at me, her eyes wide as her arms stay wrapped around my neck and our eyes scan each others.

"So?" I say, unsure where to keep my hands so I keep them ghosting over her waist.

Her eyebrows twitch up, "Hm? Oh! Yeah, uhm, no yeah you're good. I was wrong."

I smile, "Why, thank you." I say, trying to loosen up the tension. And the tightness of my jeans.

We stare at each other for a few seconds longer, the room feeling hot.

"Um, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." she says.

I nod, "Yup, okay."

I put my lips in a taught line, as she's still sitting on my lap, "Uh.. Betts, you don't mean you're gonna use the bathroom on me, do you?" I joke.

"What, no! No, sorry," she says, putting her hand on my shoulder as she moves off of me and stands. "Anyways, keep building, I'll be 5."

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