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He stood there looking at me, his jaw looking as if it was about to hit the floor in shock. I shook my head at him.

"Well are you going to stand their looking like a dimbo or are you going to close your mouth and listen to what I found out?" I asked, obviously not impressed with him right now

He continued to look at me slack jawed for a moment more, and I was growing ever so impatient by the second. I finally crossed my arms and began to turn on my heel. I felt a hand grip lightly onto the top of my arm and began to tug me towards an empty hallway.

"You figured out the bloody egg that's been driving everyone else mad?" Cedric asked lightly, with slight disbelief lacing his voice

"don't sound so surprised about it" I murmured, looking away while my arms still layed across my chest

"no I didn't mean it like that, I mean, we have all been trying to figure out the egg for ages now; to be completely honest, me, Harry, and Krum thought it was impossible." he looked at me, I stared into his grey eyes back, finding nothing but sincerity in them

I sighed.

"I dropped in water accidentally, it fell into Chanel's water bowl" I began to explain, "I immediately covered my ears when I saw it opened, preparing for the ear splitting screech but after a while I noticed that none had come so I released my hands hold from my ears and slowly made my way over to the water," I looked up at him, only to find him staring at me intensely, "I heard a humming coming from the bowl and decided to stick my ear into the water and I heard a song, quite beautiful but also seemingly terrifying at the same time." I finished, replaying this morning's events in my head

"would you mind telling me the clue or are you going to make me ask you on a date to the prefect's bathroom so we can do it together" he looked down at me smirking

"I don't know, both options are valid but one sounds a bit nicer..." I trailed off, seeing a hopeful expression on his face, "I think I'll just tell you the clue to get it over with, I mean that was the nicer option anyways."

I saw a frown make its way onto his once hopeful smile, the rest of his face falling at the replacement. He looked down at the ground suddenly finding it interesting while muttering something solely to himself.

"Of course I'll go to the prefect's bathroom with you, you daft human" I exclaimed, lightly hitting his shoulder, "but only for the clue, no funny business young man" I gave him a stern look, showing him that I was actually being serious

"wasn't planning on it sweetheart" he smiled one of his contagious smiles, causing me to break into one too as he wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me out of the secluded hall and back into the main corridor


Me and Cedric spent the entire day together, laughing, sleeping, and at one point crying. We were cuddled up in his dorm room, my head laying on his chest as soft snores left his mouth. I looked up at him, studying his facial features, in my eyes, he was simply perfect, even better than Leo. I notice his eyes beginning to flutter and I quickly look down so he wouldn't see that I was simply staring at him in his sleep like a stalker. I heard soft chuckles leave his mouth, his chest vibrating along with it.

"staring at me while I sleep huh?" his raspy voice echoed through the silent room

"I- what- no" I responded, flustered by his comment

"sure you weren't, but if you were, I don't know why but I find that kind of adorable" his arm that was wrapped around me squeezed a bit, his grip tightening around me before releasing

He began to get up, I immediately whimpered at the loss of warmth, I heard him chuckle before he turned around and picked me up off the bed, my legs immediately wrapping around his waist. He carried us to his bathroom and sat me down on the counter top surrounding the sink. I leaned back against the mirror as he began to rinse off his face with the cold water that was running out of the old faucet.

I felt my eyes begin to close, darkness taking over me, the only thing that kept me from total eclipse of the mind was the steady run of water that filled my ears. It was calming, the rush of water reminded me of the stream that ran behind the Delacour residence. Whenever things got hard, whenever life became too much, I would run out into the field, flowers flying up all around me, and I wouldn't stop running until I was at the bank of the stream, letting the sound of the water guide me to peace. I felt at home with the nature and its wildlife roaming around me, I felt at home with the breeze flowing through my hair, and I felt peace with the sound of water enveloping my sense of sound until it was the only thing that could be heard. 

I would find my spot on the bank, lay down, and just stay there for hours on end, from the beginning of dawn to the break of night. Hour after hour, falling more into my own reality away from the curse that I knew to be home. 

I could picture everything in my tired mind, so vividly, painted with color, and every eye catching detail. I could feel a smile find its way onto my lips as I continued to visualize the small stream that I called home. I drifted into my thoughts and imagination, my heart yearning to go back, my mind saying the same thing:

someone take me home.


I honestly don't know where I was taking this chapter but I do like how it ended, also hey guys! I'm home again so updates will be more frequent again and I hope you guys enjoyed this, I know it was kind of a filler chapter but it is an update no less so yea :) have an amazing day lovelies!

also don't forget that this hell of a year is almost over, it's December 29, 2020, almost 2021 people!! We got this <3



The last Alarie, a Delacour legacyWhere stories live. Discover now