9. Closing Doors.

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I'm tired of loving things.

Nothing deserves it. Nothing should get to see or feel my heart because its too delicate now. Its too precious.

Its been abused and beaten so many times that numbers don't matter anymore.

My veins are strained like loose wires hanging on by fibres like an overused rope.

Zombie is an understatement. Death would be less stressful then this horrible pain in my chest, stomach, bones, head.

I was so innocently open and honest. So fractured but willing to risk. So broken but ready to build. Weak but ready to fight for everything.

I'm tired of giving me a hard time for feeling. I hate everything. Nothing is good. Nothing is fun. The world is a black hole. Full of toxicity and corruption. Like a rotting fruit.

Full of decay like my unloved teeth.

From a broken family, a broken mind to a broken dream back to a broken family.

I'm so tired that opening my eyes takes all my strength. Breathing feels worse then suffocating because the more I breath the more I have to feel empty.

I miss you.

I miss your warmth, your love your heart your eyes your smell your understanding your safety.

I'm a villain now. A murderer trying to catch me. A theif in my own mind.

The demons have finally broke the last barrier. I want to hurt. Let them win its what they've wanted for so long.

Why stop them? at least they understand me. Pain is all I deserve because everytime im happy its ripped away like a cruel joke.

I'm not laughing anymore.

Time is slowing. So is my heart.

This isn't a cry for help. I dont want help. Nothing can help. Im beyond reasoning.

I will simmer in this emptiness because I've cared for so long. Weird but its nice to let in the dark. Peaceful in a twisted broken way.

Its so quiet.

The only sound I hear is the clock.

Reminding me you're gone.

I dont have long.




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