Chapter Ten: He's head over heels for you

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"Almost done, Just another finishing touch.. And ready!"

It's the next day, and Christina insisted on doing my hair and make-up for my date with Corbyn. Despite me begging her not to do that, she kept ranting about how I need to look my best, so he'll be even more impressed. I wanted to tell her Corbyn isn't like that, he doesn't care about my appearance, he cares about who I truly am. But I can't say that, because that'll only make her start rambling about how I'm falling for him, and I can't take that at the moment. Not when I'm still figuring out my feelings for myself.

Christina takes a critical look at what she just created, and eventually nods satisfied. "Now, on to the outfit." The moment she says those words, I hear a knock on the door.

"Perfectly on time." She smiled.

"Who is that? Corbyn isn't coming for at least fifteen minutes, and the boys don't know what knocking is," I question her.

"I asked Tate and Gabbie to help me find an outfit for you," she announced while walking up to the door.

I look taken aback at her. "Christina, I don't know if that's a good idea..," I start, but it's too late. She has already opened the door.

The two girls enter our room, carrying a large clothing bag. "Liz! Ready for your date with corbs?" Gabbie exclaimed.

"I'm a little nervous, but still excited," I say honestly. They don't know what I truly mean with those words, but technically, it's not a lie.

"Well, fear no longer. We're here to help you, we brought the most beautiful dress ever," Tate declared excited.

"You see, I was just planning on wearing my regular clothes..," I begin, but Christina interrupts me.

"Girl, you know I love your leather jackets and ripped jeans, I prefer them as well, but this occasion asks for something more special. And because I know we don't own any fancy clothes, I asked the girls for help," she explained.

"And that's where we come in!" The two others smiled.

"Well alright, show me the dress. But I'm not planning on wearing something pink and sparkly, just so you know!" I warn them.

Tate opens the enormous bag, and a red dress with white flowers appears. The sleeves are a little flowy, and the neckline is a little lower than I'm used to, but I have to admit it's a beautiful dress.

"Wow, that dress is gorgeous. Do you think it'll fit me?" I ask nervously.

"There's only one way to find out." Gabbie hands me the dress, and I rush to the bathroom to change. As soon as I put the dress over my head, the flowy material glides over my body. It fits perfectly.

I leave the bathroom again, and show myself to the girls.

For a moment they're all stunned, and I feel myself getting uncomfortable from their looks.

Christina's the first one to interrupt the silence. "Liz,  you look absolutely beautiful."

"Corbyn's not gonna believe his eyes," Tate whispered, and hearing his name makes my cheeks burn.

"You look stunning, girl," Gabbie added.

"Enough about the dress, guys, although I do have to admit I love it as well. It's making me nervous as hell." I laugh.

"Corbs told us how he was planning the perfect date. He's head over heels for you," Tate said, and I give Christina a look. Things are going exactly as planned.

"I'm sure it's gonna be lovely. He's the most selfless person I've ever met." I smile a little.

"Looks like Corbyn isn't the only one who's falling," Gabbie exclaimed, and I can't help smiling. Maybe she's right.

"He deserves a girl like you. Not some stuck-up rich girl who only wants to be with him for his prestige and money, like the girlfriends he has had in the past," Tate suddenly said, and guilt starts playing with my mind.

I wanna answer her, but the door to the boys' room swings open. Jonah and Zach come in, but freeze the moment they see me. In a dress.

"Liz, you look absolutely amazing!" Jonah runs up to me, picks me up and swings me around, and i burst into laughter.

"Please, Jo, put me down." I laugh.

"He's right, Liz, you look stunning," Zach exclaimed while plopping on my bed.

"Well, thank you very much, Zachary," I joke.

Christina pokes me, and nods her head in Tate's direction, who's staring at Jonah. I start chuckling, she seems very interested in him.

"Well, ladies, we'll leave you alone again." Jonah looks at Tate as well. "We didn't wanna interrupt anything."

"You didn't interrupt us, don't worry," Tate quickly said, and I start giggling.

"Alright then. See you later, girls." Jonah takes Tate's hand and puts a kiss on top. Zach rolls his eyes, as Christina and I laugh even harder because of Tate's dark red cheeks.

The minute the boys are out the room, tate bursts loose. "Did you see that? He kissed my hand!" she yelled.

"Jo knows what he's doing. He was the biggest player in the dome." I chuckle.

"Please don't tell me he has a girlfriend," she wailed.

"Jo? A girlfriend? I don't think he knows that word," Christina joked.

"Well, I'm still gonna shoot my shot. You never know," Tate spoke determined.

"We'll be rooting for you, Tate." Gabbie laughs, and we all join.

Suddenly there's another knock on the door, but this time I just know it's Corbyn. I can feel it in my guts.

I take a deep breath and grab my bag. "Wish me luck, guys," I say while opening the door.

Corbyn's eyes immediately meet mine. He looks even better than the other times I've seen him. His dirty blond hair isn't held in place with gel as usual, it's more fluffy. I have to admit it's kinda cute.

His jaw drops as soon he sees me in the dress, and for the millionth time this day, I feel my cheeks burning. "Wow, Liz, you look..," he starts, but he doesn't seem able to finish the sentence.

"Stunning? Amazing? Beautiful?" Christina added in his place, and I start chuckling.

"All of those," he whispered, as he takes my hand and spins me around. "Ready for our date? I've planned some very exciting things."

"I can't wait," I say, and I mean it.

"Good luck, Liz. You got this," I can hear Christina yelling after closing the door.

The thing is, I don't know what I got. Manipulating Corbyn, or falling pretty damn hard myself?

𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐘 ~ 𝒄𝒎𝒃Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant