2: Loveless Longing

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In another world rested one of the magical creatures. Some good, some bad, some neutral, but one thing was sure.

A wizard from outside of the world had come to train dragons.

This wizard was the twin of the prince, the two separated because only one could be king, and because the prince was more worthy, they sent the wizard off with experienced warlocks in attempts to unite the worlds.

The wizard ended up loving it there, so the twins never got to see each other again. 

In the world, the wizard trained two dragons and was married to a mesmerizing fairy.

The two were married for the benefits, the wizard could be seen as a welcomed citizen in the fairy society and the fairy could have access to the human realm. The two were friends, however, they never had feelings for each other. It was similar to an arranged marriage, the wizard's parents encouraged it so that fairies could get more used to humans, allowing for better trade deals. 

The worlds were still quite divided, and even though the fairy had access to the human realm, she never went despite her curiosity. Even after marrying a human, it was hard to trust them. 

The fairy sat by a river while insects and frogs hung around her. She looked into the lake, ever since she moved in with the wizard she's felt lonely. 

She had to get married anyway, it was fairy tradition for a fairy to get married at 21, they were shunned if they weren't. It would be better to marry someone who benefited her than to marry another fairy. Though the dragons kept her company most of the time, she felt empty. 

She was a little scared, she never felt attraction towards men. She didn't fake it though, she just said she didn't like anyone yet as if she were waiting for someone. She doesn't even consider the wizard as "the one", and she's still waiting for her prince in shining armor. 

What is she thinking? The fantasy of a prince in shining armor didn't appeal to her. 

She dipped her hand into the water, feeling it run between her fingers. 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, she hears a yell, "JADE LOOK OUT!" She turned her head in the direction of the scream to see one of the dragons, Charli, coming right for her.

Before she could react, Charli crashed into her, sending both falling into the river. "GAH!"

"Oww..." Charli whined, grabbing her head. Jade sat up, pushing Charli off of her and fluttering her wings to dry them off. "Sorry about that Jade..."

"What caused you to crash like that? I thought you got better at flying?" Jade asked, sitting up and extending an arm out for Charli to grab. Lifting her up, Charli groaned, "I began to go faster than usual and started to spin for fun to see how far I could go, I got really dizzy and couldn't fly straight and ended up falling,"

Jade sighed and whacked Charli on the head, "How did you not expect that to happen??" 

"AH! Sorry!"

The wizard and other dragon came down, "Jade are you alright?" 

"Yeah Drake, I'm fine." 

Charli gasped, "LIGHT!" She instantly ran over and hugged him, the other didn't seem too amused, "Charli get off me!!" he growled, trying to push Charli off of him.

Drake facepalmed, "I can't believe the two dragons I've been training for years are still complete idiots..." Jade nodded, "Yeah, that's pretty rough buddy."

Drake sat down next to Jade as she continued to dry herself off. "Anything new happen?" Asked Jade, the two questioned each other often. They really didn't know the other too well, it was hard to believe they were even married. 

"Yeah actually," Drake starts, capturing Jade's attention, "My brother got married recently. I wasn't able to go, but now that I have time, do you wanna come with?"

Jade blinked, confused. "Wait you have a brother?"

"Yeah, he's the prince of Inquimast, thought I told you I was a prince?" Jade thought for a moment before gasping quietly, "Oh! Right, I forgot about that," She laughed a little, "So, when are we going to their place?" 

"Tomorrow morning." Drake responds, getting up and whistling for the dragons to continue training. "Alright." and with that, Drake was off. Jade was alone once again. 

A wedding aye? Jade couldn't help but think, she's never seen Drake's brother, let alone meet his family. Odd how his brother and the bride had a ceremony, perhaps it was for tradition? Her and Drake got legally married without a ceremony, they felt like it was pointless, knowing they didn't have feelings for each other. 

Did this mean his brother found someone who actually loved him? Jade admittedly was a little jealous, despite never being attracted to men, she's always fantisied about a relationship, fantisied about love.  But she never felt it with anyone. 

She questioned if love was a lie, she couldn't fake it, she was a fairy, she knew what love was, but she never felt it towards any man. 

Jade got up and went inside her hut, opening a cabnet and grabbing some herbs and a wooden bowl, along with a wooden masher. putting the herbs inside the bowl, she mashes them up, hearing the wood scrape against wood as the herbs crunch softly underneath the preasure. 

She seems the plants crushed and sliced enough, filling the bowl with water, she places it over an open flame, supported by a hard piece of metal, which prevents the bowl from catching on fire. 

Jade leaves it to boil and sits down on a couch. It wasn't that comftorable, but it was manageable. She turned her attention towards the window and looked outside of the shutters.

God, what a stunning view. A waterfall trickling down large rocks to the river below. She couldn't help but get lost in her thoughts. She thought about love again, true love, real love. Technically, she has a prince in shining armor, but it wasn't what she wanted, it wasn't what her heart wanted. She didn't want a prince in shining armor. She didn't know what she wanted...

Hearing some bubbling, she snaps back into reality to go fetch the tea, turning off the fire and gently taking the bowl off the metal plate. She grabbed a cup and poured the drink inside of it. 

She stared at it for a moment, her mind drifting again. 

What what it that she wanted? Who will be the one to sweep her off her feet?


Does she even want a person to sweep her off her feet?

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