After about a twenty minute drive due to the fact I was trying not to go too fast and cause her any pain by the movements of the car. Normally I would be speeding but her wounds don't look like they will kill her anytime soon. From what I can see she has a few deep gashes but they are not bleeding that bad. But the big gash on her forehead is what worries me because depending on how she got it she probably has a concussion.

As soon as I pulled up to my house I went to her side and carefully took her out of the car.

I brought her upstairs and placed her on my bed before going to the bathroom to grab my first aid kit.

As I was opening up the kit I saw her eyes start to flutter open. After a few seconds her eyes opened then immediately closed due to the lights in the room. Once she had finally adjusted to the light she did something I was not expecting she spoke.

"Wh-where a-a-am I" she said with a stutter that was honestly really cute in my opinion.

"Hey you are at my place colton sent me to go help you, my name is Ace if you don't remember I helped you out in the hallway when you had that panic attack also I have almost all of my classes with you" I answered kinda blabbering a bit but immediately shutting up when she spoke again.

"O-oh" she answered looking around the room

"Um you have a few gashes that need to be stitched up" she nodded and went to sit up but I stopped her "just lay down it will be easier to stitch them up"

"y-yeah" she answered, fixing her position.

As I was cleaning up the gash on her forehead I decided to ask what happened to her.

"Hey charlie I was wondering what happened to you to look like this" I asked as I was placing the bandage on the freshly done stitches.

"Wrong place wrong time" she said going back to using sign. I am pretty sure she was lying but I just let it slide for Colton to deal with later. Speaking of Colton, I have to call him once I am done.

-tad bit later-

Once I had finished I asked if she needed anything. All she asked for was a glass of water which I easily got for her. But when she sat up to drink it I noticed her clutching her ribs.

"Can I see" I asked pointing to her ribs

"They are fine just a bit bruised" she furrowed her brows trying to think "they are not that bad don't worry" she said wincing when she accidentally bumped them when putting down her cup

"You sure" I asked unsure about her answer, she nodded in response.

"I have to go call Colton to tell him I found you, why don't you get some sleep?" she nodded her head and I took that as my time to leave the room.

Once I left the room I immediately called Colton. It only took him like ten seconds to pick up surprisingly, he usually takes forever to pick up.

"Hey Colt I got her" I said as I plopped down onto the couch in my living room

"How is she doing?" he asked

"she said she's fine, she's got a few cuts here and there and her ribs are bruised at least that's what she told me, she wont let me see them and I don't want to push her."

"Ok try to keep her there and I will come see her in the morning unless she wants to leave. Dont force her. I will probably see her eventually in the ring."

"Ok, also just so you know I have met her before"

"Really? How?" he asked surprised

"She just started at our school, I helped her when some kids were picking on her in the hallway, she had a panic attack and I helped calm her down. I actually wanted to talk to you about her but you never came to school." I said the last part with a bit of an edge

"That is so unlike her, she seems so confident in the ring." he trailed off a bit before speaking again "wait why did you want to talk to me about her?"

"Well for starters once you see past the hoodie she looks almost identical to Gray and looks like you guys" I said, sounding a bit unsure of what I was saying.

After I said that there was a long pause before Colt took a deep breath and spoke "wh-what's her name Ace?" he asked me his voice sounded a bit unsteady

"Her name is Charlie" when I said her name I heard him take a big breath of air

"Um, new plan: keep her at your house, don't let her leave, but also don't scare her. Please just say to stay so I can come and make sure she is ok. Because if this is who I am hoping it is I won't let her out of my grasp again." This got me curious as to who she could be. Because I have never heard him talk with so many different emotions in his voice.

'Wait didn't he have a sister named Charlie?'


sorry it took me so long to update am a very big procrastinator. I started the chapter last week then got tired halfway through writing saying I would do it later, I never did it later. so I last night I stayed up till 1:30 and finished it.

I don't have a set update schedule but I will try to update at least once a week.

- The procrastinating Author 

edited 6/3/22 

I have no words... enjoy

Just My Luckحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن