Chapter 5 Talk

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Marinette wakes up and yawns. She stretches and gets off her bed. Tikki and Plagg appear looking concern.

"*sigh* I know what you two are thinking. This is not like me. Or the me you know and love. Look, I'm keeping my promise about keeping the miracle box hidden once I have all the miraculouses back." Marinette says.

"Marinette. Was this really you four years ago?" Tikki asks.

Marinette nods. "I told you my story. I know Master Fu trusted me but he didn't know me. I didn't know much about being a guardian ever since that day. Each akuma gets stronger and I can't hold back anymore. I don't have a partner anymore since Adrien happened to be Chat Noir."

Tikki and Plagg look scared. Marinette breaths in and breaths out.

"Sorry. Listen, Hawkmoth and Mayaura are bound to show up soon. I have to wait until then. Okay?" Marinette smiles.

"Alright Marinette." Tikki says.

"Yeah Kid. I don't want you to be like them." Plagg says.

"I'm much worse than them. Me and the others show our reign. They fear us like how I was feared by them. They brought this upon themselves. Karma always comeback. Sooner or later, it will come back to me." Marinette says.

Tikki and Plagg look at each other.

"I'll bring you cookies and cheese." Marinette walks pass them and heads down stairs.

"Tikki. Are you worried about her?" Plagg asks.

"I am. This... This is not like her. I want the sweet Marinette back." Tikki begins to cry.

Plagg hugs Tikki. "Me too sugarcube. Me too."

*Agreste Manison*
"Sir, I have an update on Adrien's condition." Nathalie says.

"Go on." Gabriel says.

"Adrien wrist and hand has been broken and it will take months for it to be healed. Adrien has lost a few teeth. It will take months to regain his usual looks." Nathalie says.

"I told Adrien to stay away from Marinette but he didn't listen. Now, look where he is. I can't loose him." Gabriel clenches his fist.

"Should I have a word with Marinette?" Nathalie asks.

"No. She's dangerous. I don't think she'll listen. She made it very clear that she doesn't want anything to do with Adrien." Gabriel says.

"I see. Your one of his admires." Gabriel says.

"Admires! Uh... yeah Hehe..." Marinette looks nervous.

"Try anything. Even a little. You will say goodbye to your son." Marinette says.
*Flashback ends*
Gabriel closes his eyes. Nathalie sees Gabriel shaking a little.

'Gabriel. Are you.... scared of her? ... Marinette always looked happy. Trying her best for her friends. But what happened?' Nathalie thinks.

She remembers Marinette hanging with her friends and laughing. Then she remembers how Marinette and Marik grin evilly when she and Mr.Damocles were threatened.

'We play by my rules.' Marinette says.

'The ultimate masterpiece. But..... a very dangerous approach. Not without risking Adrien. She could loose herself and kill everyone on sight. Then no one could stop her. Not even Gabriel himself. I'm sure he knows or has the idea.' Nathalie worries.

"Nathalie." Gabriel calls.

"Yes sir." Nathalie responds.

"What should I do with Marinette?" Gabriel asks.

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