Chapter 4 Lila's and Adrien's Beatdown

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Over the next four days, Marinette and her group showed their reign. The school staff were threatened with evidence for ignoring Marinette being bullied. The students complained and the school staff couldn't do nothing. Sabrina told her father and the police came for Marinette. Marinette threatened to send Sabrina to jail for assault if he tried anything. The police couldn't do anything and the group was let go with a warning.

As Ladybug, the akumas were getting stronger and stronger. But each time, they would get brutally beaten down. Shocking Hawkmoth. He had never seen such burtalility from Ladybug ever since she first appeared. He questioned where is Chat Noir. The next akuma asked the same question and Ladybug grinned. The akuma was scared.

"Oh! Chat Noir? I got rid of him." Ladybug says coldly.

Hawkmoth was shock by that answer. He questioned what Ladybug did to him. Did it mean she killed him? Did she take away his ring? Who was Chat Noir? Why wasn't there any body reported if he was dead? OR any news about him.

The news asked Ladybug what happened to Chat Noir?

"Oh! He told me that he quit. He had to move away." Ladybug responded.

The news was concerned for Ladybug. Each akuma battle was brutal. Ladybug took it too far. Fear was brought everytime Ladybug showed up. She fight, beat the akuma down, capture the akuma and fix everything. No one was able to force her to stop. Hawkmoth wonder why he couldn't akumatize her if she was like this everytime. Was she able to keep her emotions in check will brutally beating them down?

The fifth day, Adrien returned home and was in his room. He wondered if Plagg left him. Did he leave him to suffer? Why wasn't everything going his way? He can't have ladybug. Now he can't have Marinette because of her "friends". She only needs him. ONLY HIM! But why couldn't she see that? They were taking her away from him. She belongs to him. She is his soulmate. Why can't they see that? Why couldn't Marinette and Ladybug see that?

"Adrien. It's me." Gabriel says.

"Come in." Adrien says as he sits on his bed.

Gabriel and Nathalie walk in.

"Son. How are you feeling?" Gabriel asks.

"I'm fine." Adrien responds.

"You will return to school tomorrow. I want ask you if that's a problem." Gabriel says.

"No. No problem at all." Adrien responds.

"Good. Also, you are to stay away from Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Gabriel states.

"HUH? But why? She's my friend. Why would you want me to stay away from my friend?" Adrien asks.

"Nathalie and I spoke with her. She said some hateful words about you. And she meant every word of it. I could see it in her eyes. You are to stay far away from her as possible." Gabriel states.

"Yes father." Adrien sighs.

"It's for your own good. Even I can't do nothing." Gabriel walks away.

Adrien looks confused.

"She threatened your father." Nathalie says as she walks away.

The door closes and Adrien looks shocked.

"Marinette." Adrien clenches his teeth. "You will pay. You are mine. You will be mine!"

*The next day*
Marinette and her group laugh at some jokes Marik made. Everyone stayed away from Marinette and her group to avoid her wrath. As the group head to their classes, Lila watches their every move. As Marinette, Zane and Zari take their seats, the rest of the class begin to enter. They avoid eye contact with Marinette. Adrien walks in and takes his seat.

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