Start from the beginning

"I'm going to figure it out," I warned, and he released another chuckle before I felt his lips on the top of my head.

"I'm sure you will."

Walking into the police station, I quickly headed into the Sheriff's office falling into the chair opposite Noah. "Grace," he greeted.

"My favourite uncle," I complimented and he raised his brow.

"What do you want? Please don't tell me you've changed your mind on what you want for Christmas," he said and I raised my own brow to counter him.

"No, don't worry. I still want what I asked for," I assured (it was a new chess set), and he nodded his shoulders deflating, "can't I simply want to be around my favourite uncle and enjoy his company?"

"With that smile?" He asked, "no. You know, you can try but your mother used to pull the same trick. She'd flash that cheeky smile and get whatever she wanted."

"Does that mean I can get what I want now?" I tempted and he threw his hand out as an offer to continue, "I want to look at Derek's record."

"You're not allowed to do that."


He stared at me for a few seconds before sighing again, "fine."

That was how I found everything that I needed to know - the exact reason as to why he was smiling.

It was Christmas.

I'd been the first to wake up, although I didn't let anyone sleep in for long because I'd quickly woke Derek up before giving everyone a call - Stiles was the only other one to be awake although he'd quickly woken Noah up. A time old tradition. It hadn't taken long for everyone to come round to the loft and the presents were opened. Even Cora and Peter showed up. Unless we'd specifically asked for things then it was pretty generic. Jewellery, random tid-bits from shops, clothes, socks, books, chocolate...

Sneaking towards Peter, I quickly shoved a santa hat over his eyes before running onto the other side of the room and leaping onto the sofa beside Cora. The said girl was laughing as he yanked it up with a growl, but he kept it on. Everyone found it funny. It was hard not to. His status as the villain of our story had ended a long time ago and now we couldn't view him as dangerous even if we tried to.

"Charming Grace," Peter growled, and I offered a smile before looking over to Stiles who was already trying to figure out one of his gifts. It had been a puzzle of sorts.

The jokes and tricks continued and for once we were all happy. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I rested my chin on them as I looked between everyone. Everyone was getting along, there were no worries, no alpha's, no demons, no creatures, no threats and you'd think we were ordinary. You'd think it was a completely normal day and it was amazing. It was probably the best day we'd had so far.

It was almost like we were all one big happy family. I suppose in a way we were. Even Noah and Peter were getting along.

The day soon came to an end and it was night when anything memorable happened next. I had a plan, a grand old plan that was going to prove my theory as to his strange happiness. There was nothing wrong with being happy, but Derek never smiled like that. Not unless something had happened.

Derek was already in bed whilst I was putting something away, and when I looked up I was quick to speak.

"Nah, nah, nah, nah," I called out noticing him try to turn the lamp off and he raised his brow confused.

"You're a werewolf. You can see in the dark," he reminded.

"Don't you touch that lamp laddie," I hissed pointing at him in warning, and his lips quirked up in a smirk as he held his hands up in surrender. Walking over to the bed I jumped onto the mattress climbing under the duvet.

"Now can I turn the light of-"


Reaching over to the draw which was sat at his side, much to his grunt of protest. I probably should have done this before I'd gotten into the bed but it was too late now. The excitement began to bubble inside me as my hands grabbed onto the box. Pulling back, I straightened out passing it over to him. His brows furrowed as he looked at it confused.

"I thought we'd already done christmas presents..." he muttered trying to remember, "we have already done -"

"Open it."

"Are you going to interrupt me opening it as well?" He asked his eyes filled with amusement and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Would he hurry up already? I wanted to see his face as he opened the present although it was probably a terrible present. It was something fairly cheap and small. What do you get the man who didn't care about anything?

"Only if you don't hurry."

Tugging on the corners of the paper he pulled it away from the present agonisingly slowly. Was he doing it just to torture me? He finally pulled it away and he looked over it for a few seconds, I couldn't read his emotion. That was a lie. I could feel the warmth in his heart - I'm taking that as a win. It was just a fairly good quality picture of us I'd found on Stiles phone in a sleek black frame.

"It's nothing big but .... happy birthday," I finalised and his eyes snapped to mine.


"I told you I'd work it out," I tested and his warmth grew as he placed it on the nightstand beside him.

"I never told you..."

"You think you could hide that from me? I am related to the Sheriff. That's right. I know you're a birthday twin of Jesus. I do my research."

A smile finally grew on his face as his hands reached out taking me by the shoulders, "I love you."

"I would love me to." It was silent for a few seconds before we both broke out into laughter being unable to contain ourselves. I bet he wasn't expecting that answer. "But I suppose I have enough love for you as well," I added on.

"Come here," he beckoned, but before I could even think of moving he pushed forward tackling us back down to the mattress still laughing. His hand had already snaked up my shirt without me realising, although I'd already put mine around his neck. It was so instinctual that it had happened within our subconscious before even recognising the act. "I love you," he repeated.

"I love you more."

A/N: Merry Christmas guys (if you celebrate it) and a happy new year :)

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