"Grace, it's my problem. What you need to be focusing on right now is that you're hurt," he explained his fingers prodding at the flesh around the wound. It was in a gentle way that I think he thought was supposed to be comforting and intimate, but it was hard to think that way when someone was lying to you. "Now let's focus on Scott," he said pressing his lips to my temple as he walked past me.

Hearing the door open, I immediately knew it was Stiles. Living with him I'd learned how he smelled a long time ago. Turning around, I headed towards the door and followed him into a room where Scott was sat in a chair. Derek was sat on top of a crate inspecting the beta's arm. Was Scott actually a beta? He wasn't technically part of Derek's pack so would that make him an omega? This was too much brain power.

"Yeah, I see it. It's two bands, right?" He asked and Scott nodded, "what does it mean?"

"I don't know," he admitted as he reached out to the dust on the floor, "it's just something I trace with my fingers," he traced the design as he he said so.

"Why is this so important to you?"

"Do you know what the word "tattoo" means?"

Stiles quickly interrupted, "to mark something," he said feeling proud of himself and I raised my brow at Stiles a smirk forming on my face. He was smiling and nodding as if he'd just figured out the biggest equation you could ever find.

"Well, that's in Tahitian," Scott said and Stiles smile immediately dropped, "In Samoan, it means "open wound." I knew I wanted to get a tattoo when I turned eighteen. I always wanted one. I just decided to get it now, it makes it kind of a reward," he explained.

"For what?"

"For not calling or texting Allison all summer." I still hated her. After being told that she'd not only contributing to the torture of Erica and Boyd, but also betrayed everyone again, I couldn't find the ability to forgive her. I think I hated her because she'd done it twice. "Even when I really wanted to, even when it was so hard not to sometimes... I was trying to give her the space she wants. Going on four months later... It still hurts. It still feels like a, uh..."

"Like an open wound," Stiles finished.


Derek sighed before he pulled up the blow torch, "the pain's gonna be worse than anything you've ever felt," he warned. Scott nodded, he looked scared but he was also prepared to go through with it. He needed the tattoo enough to go through with the pain.

"Do it."

Derek nodded turning the torch on it. Both mine and Stiles eyes widened, it all seemed a lot more real now. It reminded us of the time where Derek tried to get us to cut off his arm. Well he tried to make Stiles do it. "Oh, wow. That's a-That's a lot for me." Stiles began beginning to walk around to get to the door, "so, I'm gonna take that as my cue, I'm just gonna wait outside-"

"Nope." Derek cut in grabbing onto his shirt pulling him back, "you can help hold him down," he warned. "Both of you," he added on his eyes trailing over to me and I sighed walking behind Scott. Clamping my hands down on Scott's shoulders I pulled him back against the chair whilst Stiles pressed down on his chest.

Pressing the flame down on Scott's arm, the boy immediately began to roar out in pain his eyes glowing gold and he quickly began squirming. "Oh, my god..." Stiles gagged, I wanted to do the same as I glanced down at the flame beating down on his flesh.

"Hold him!" Derek shouted over the sound of Scott's roars. It was harder than it looked as Scott continued to cry out in pain and then he passed out.

The Sicilian Defence [Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now