Chapter 1 : First Meeting

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Note: Hi I'm new here! Sorry for bad English 😓 English is not my first language but I hope you like this story. This is my first Thai novel (but not first novel, I was tried to write a novel before but not English or Thai novel). Actually I'm not Thai, but because I like Thai novel so I want to try to write one. Hope you guys like it. Please comment whether I need to continue or stop😁

Sorry for bad grammar and Typo


Tokyo, Japan

"Stupid girl! Can't even talk in Japanese. Go back to your country!" Said loud voice of young boy in Japanese. Another three boy only laughs. One of them push a little girl who is crying in front of them.

That girl only sit on the floor after been push by that boy. She crying not because pain but she feel humiliated by those boys just because she can't speak Japanese. What can she do, she just move from Thailand a few days ago. She feel bored and thought for walking at garden can help her get a friend.

When she just arrived at garden she saw a group of boys, so she decided to make friends with them. But whose know that she be bullied by them just because she can't speak Japanese.

"No... Stop.... no.." she only reply both in Thai and English. She try to push hands of the boy who try to pull her hairs.

"Shut up!!" Shout that boy in Japanese. While another boys only laugh.

That girl try to run away but her hand been hold by the boy and push her until she fall on the floor again. Her voice become louder. This make those boys' laugh also louder.

That girl still struggling to free herself but how can she win against them because she 7 year old and fight with four boys alone. The also a bit older then her. But suddenly....

"Hooooooiii... stop!! What are you guys doing? Why did you bullies her? Go away!" Said someone in Japanese.

The girl look up, and she saw a handsome boy came and help her. That boy push away all the bad boy those bullied her. She only heard they fighting with each other, but she don't understand anything because they talk in Japanese.

After that she heard those bad boys get angry. "You save this time!" And they leave.

She look up and saw a hand. The boy who help he give his hand to help she get up.

"Are you okay?" Said that boy in Japanese but she don't understand.

She suddenly want to cry again. "I... I.. don't.. under..stand.. I'm came.. from.. Thailand.." she answered in Thai, and cover her face with her hand.

From what he can see, this girl must be younger than him. That boy only smile and said in Thai, "Oh.. P' also from Thailand, don't need to cry. Look at P', you have beautiful eyes. Don't cry or your eyes become ugly." He look at the girl face. Yes this girl really cute. White small face, long eyelashes, big eyes and the most interesting is her eyes' colour. Dark blue. He can see this girl is race mixed.

"Okay.." The girl try to catch-up her breath. She was crying out loudly. She try to smile and look at that boy again.

He pat the girl's head, "good girl. What your name? And how old you are?" He ask slowly, he don't want this little girl scare of him.

The girl slowly smile and answering him. "Pearl. 7." She still a bit scared.

Knowing she still scare, he try to make this girl trust him. "Okay N'Pearl. Where are live? Why you are at this play ground alone?" Ask him in carious.

"Pearl just move here a few days ago.... Pearl... want to play here but Mommy busy and Daddy still working and P still at school.. so Pearl came alone." Pearl answer him slowly.

*note: Pearl calling her mom and dad "mommy and daddy" in English

The boy only sighed. "Remember your route home?" Pearl nodded. "Okay, show the way, P will send you home." He want to hold Pearl hand but...

"Name?" Pearl suddenly ask.

That boy only smile and pat her head. "Huh? P'?P' name is Arthit, P' 9 year old. So, N'Pearl need to call me as P'Arthit okay?"

Pearl smile happily. She pull Arthit's hand and hold it tightly. "No!!! Don't want to."

Arthit show curious face. "Huh? Why?" He ask and smile again. "Then what you want to call me?"

Pearl smile and giggle, "I want to call you Moon." She still not to letting go Arthit's hands.

Arthit laugh a bit, "Ok, why Moon?" Arthit continue talk when Pearl did not answer. "At least call me P'Moon, I'm older than you."

"No!!" Pearl protest. "I don't want to call you P', Moon not my P' and Moon need call me Pearl not N'Pearl. I don't want to be your sister."

Arthit look at Pearl and ask, "ok Pearl, why don't let P'Mo..." Arthit stop for a while when Pearl made angry face, "why don't Moon call you nong? Why don't want to be my sister?"

Pearl giggle a bit and smile. "Pearl don't want to be Moon's sister but Pearl want to be Moon's girlfriend and wife. So Pearl don't want to call you Phi and you can't call me Nong'."

Arthit show shock face and only smile. After talk a bit, Arthit help Pearl to back home.


"Thank you naa N'Arthit bring Pearl home, Auntie busy arranging things at the back and didn't notice Pearl going out by herself." Said beautiful woman while checking her daughter. She really worry when she realise that her daughter not in the house. Luckily this boy help her daughter back in time if he a bit late she will made police report.

"It's Okay Auntie..." Arthit stop for a while.

"Diamond, my name is Diamond." Diamond introduce herself. "Nong can call me Auntie Diamond." As soon as Diamond said, Pearl interrupt.

"No, Moon can't call Mommy Auntie. Moon is my future husband. Moon need call Mommy as Mommy." Pearl said while run to hug Arthit.

Arthit's face become red, "Pearl what are you saying?" Arthit can't push away Pearl from hugging him.

Diamond only smile looking at her daughter behaviour. "So Pearl you already found your moon?" Pearl nod her head. "If that so, Moon call me Mommy."

Arthit confuses. He trying to explain but Diamond said she understands everything and said sorry about her daughter. Arthit can't said anything and only excuse himself to back home.

Arthit's house located not far from Pearl's house because they in same residential area but different roll.


Arthit back home after walk for 10 minutes from Pearl house. When he arrived he saw his father car. He look at his watch. It still early only 4.30 pm. His father always back late and sometimes back at night.

"Mom... I'm back" said Arthit as he saw her mother. "Mom, what are you doing?" He ask her mother when he saw prepare a few of box with gift wrappers.

Beautiful woman look up at her son. "Welcome home my cutie boy. This is gifts to mom's and dad's friends. They just move in a few day ago."

'Just move in? Are they Pearl family?' Arthit only ask in his heart.

Before Arthit said anything, he heard his dad voice, "Khun Anntikha, why you excited? They only have one daughter but why you prepare 5 give to their daughter?"

Anntikha give sharp stare to her husband, "Khun Thonhon, it is wrong to me give 5 give to  Pharamoon? It long time I didn't meet her, last time when she only 2 year old. I can't choose only one present to her." She said while wrapping the third gift.

"Before I forget, my dear boy Khun Arthit. Tonight we'll have dinner at my friend house. So please dress up smartly and handsomely. Make sure Pharamoon love you, and make her my daughter-in-law okay?" Anntikha said happily while Arthit make shock face.

"Mom, are you serious? I'm only 9, and you talk about married to me?" Arthit roll his eyes and make annoying face. He thought her mother joking. After that he continues walk to his room.

*Note : that all for chapter one😅😅 hope you guys like it... sorry for grammar error or typo

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