9. Frenemies Forever, Dork Diaries Style

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so uh this is where things get a little wonky i think??? like i'm just screwing around with the plot at this point sorry

also please don't mind the name inconsistency here, i know i use the first name for some characters and the last name for others. i sort of just go with the name i can associate with their face the easiest.

quick warning, this is a pretty long one


The UA students were going out on field trip.

Well, actually, I don't even know what it is myself. It is a friendly outing, joined by some others and may cause possible, inaccurately described romance to bloom.

"Hey, teach, you're not gonna make us, like, run all the way over there, right? Cause that one time when we had to fight our way to the wilderness site— bitch bye 🧎    🚗 💨." Hagakure asked.

"No, this isn't exactly a training camp. It's just... a camp, I guess." Aizawa mumbled. The students sighed in relief except for a few that just didn't care. "Oh, but there'll still be tasks and assignments you need to complete."

"...what kind of tasks?" Mina asked hesitantly. Those lessons till 2 am really did be giving her nightmares, f.

"Just tasks."

"So is this mandatory or can we just take a break from school while you guys do that-"

"Other pro heroes are invited there, too. Many famous people attend this resort around this time of year. You won't be alone. Actually, you might be rooming with some other people if there's not enough available."

"Woah, no way! Really? I wanna room with a really hot guy!"

"Kaminari, not to be homoph*bic or anything, but that's kinda gay."

Ignoring them, Aizawa continued. "This is a pretty special occasion. They've decided to invite some heroes in training this year. We'll be leaving in a few weeks, so make sure you're properly prepared and packed."

"I guess we're just built different 😌 💅 ."

Aizawa held up a sheet of paper. "Get your parents to sign this. Fill out if you're ok with sharing a room with a stranger, too. Of course, they'll still be your age if you do end up with one."


Eventually, the day of the trip came. The students boarded the buses and set off. Aizawa almost threw himself out the window when a burnt, crusty banana peel landed on his head (courtesy of Kaminari accidentally shocking Todoroki, causing him send out a little heat in surprise, causing Midoriya stumble into Bakugo, causing Bakugo create some explosions out of anger, making the banana peel he was holding blast across the bus right onto Aizawa in the front), but they all somehow arrived in one piece. It also didn't help that Present Mic was there too. The amount of shitty pick up lines and screaming that occurred was through the goddamn sky.

Aizawa almost cried tears of joy when the vehicle slowed to a stop after two painful, painful hours.

"We're here already? That was quick!"

No it was not 😭 😿 😪

As everyone filed out of the bus, they saw a few other hero schools that were both arriving and leaving the resort in the parking lot.

"Oh? It's the Walmart me!" a familiar voice said.

"You're—! Wait, who are you again?" Uraraka yelled. She was a little blush-y, I mean who wouldn't be? He was Deku but manlier, hotter, more colorful, and could actually function well with girls. He still radiated Terushima energy tho, so minus points.

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