the ladder p. 1

21 1 5

*your pov*

monday morning

i'm woken by a crack of light creeping through the small gap of me curtains. me eyes flutter open and for a second i forget about all the problems in me life. i quickly snap back to reality when i hear me mammys voice through the roof of me basement. (and i know what you're thinking, yes i'm 30 years old and still living in me parents basement)

"Y/N, would you climb the fooken ladder. i hope i don't have to call for looke this time" yells mammy.

i feel a lump grow in me throat... i'm nervous. climbing the ladder is the hardest part of me day. i roll across me dirty stanky poopy bed. me thin sheet, which happens to be a curtain from the late 90s, doesn't do any justice in these cold winter months. so i throw on a knitted jumper and a pair of  blue washed jeans. i turn around and stare at the ladder that goes upstairs from me basement.

"i can do this" i think to meself. "i've been doing this for 30 years... it's not that hard"

i almost convince me self, but i know damn well that i'm lying to me self. i place both hands on the ladder and take a deep breath in.

"i can do this" i softly say under me breath.

i take me first few steps, everything is going well. i take another 5 steps until...


fooken 'ell. i've slipped and gotten stuck in the fooken ladder. once again. great. i pray that me mammy didn't hear.

"Y/N I SWEAR TO FOOKEN GOD IF YOURE STUCK IN THAT GOD DAMN LADDER AGAIN IM GOING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR XBOX" me mammy yells as i hear her voice approaching the door to me basement.

oh no...

i flinch as she swings the door open. fuck. she gives me the most evil look i have ever seen. i feel the warmth of me piss against me pale thin legs. i start shaking in me boots.

"you better call looke" mammy says.

i look down in embarrassment. i'm a burden to this family. i pull out me phone and open lookes contact.



im so ugly🥺💔


Awh what😒

call me please...



ANSWER📲                                       DECLINE 📱

Looke: Hej
you: ...
looke: what's wrong you useless bastard
you: *chokes back tears* i've gotten stuck in me ladder again and me mammys pissed
looke: oh feh feck sake, i'm on me way
you: and she's taking me xbox *i cry*
looke: fecking 'ell. yeh know what Y/N, you really get on me last fooken nerves. get off me nuts !!
you: i'm just a useless bastard... thank you though.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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looke, *your name* and the ladder Where stories live. Discover now