You Are (Not) My Destiny Part 10

Start from the beginning

"Oppa, I really thought I was going to be kidnapped. I can't forget my experience when I was five years old," she said while eating her ice cream.

"At that time we didn't know each other yet, right?" I asked while also eating my ice cream.

It's crazy to actually eat ice cream in this cold weather, especially since the snow just started falling again. But somehow the ice cream tasted good in my throat when I swallowed it.

"Yes. I think it's eomma who told you?"

"Not exactly to me, actually to my mother but I heard it. I think I understand why they used to try to kidnap you."

"Why oppa?"

"I've seen your childhood photo, you look cute."

Youngkyong narrowed her eyes in such a way and made me laugh.

"I'm not cute."

"Then how can you get fans?"

Youngkyong chose not to answer me and concentrated on eating her ice cream.

"But really... I'm really relieved."

"I'm very relieved too."

The two of us sat on a bench by the side of the road after our ice cream ran out. I'm glad I don't have to beat up people on this good day.

"Oh yeah, oppa hasn't stopped by my new apartment, right? How about asking Choeun eonni to stop by sometime?"

I smiled to see her being excited to talk about her apartment. Every now and then I brush the snow off her shoulders and head. Suk Youngkyong, is really doesn't care about her appearance. She didn't even wear a hat on this snowy day. Then I put my hat on her head.

"You, learn to treat yourself better."

"I don't treat myself badly," she avoided.

"Nor good."

"It's already dinner time by the way, right? I am hungry."

"Are you... hungry again? But that ice cream...?"

"Ice cream is a snack. Come on oppa, let's eat. I'll treat."

I laughed and we chose the closest chicken restaurant. We ordered a bucket of chicken drumsticks and wings. Some people were stunned to see Youngkyong's way of eating that did not care about the function of the chopsticks and ate with her hands, eating greedily.

"I'm grateful I'm here with oppa, not with Donghyun."

"What's wrong with Donghyun?" I asked while eating the second piece of chicken.

"With Donghyun maybe I should buy two buckets."

"Oh yeah, he eats a lot."

Thinking about that, for a moment I felt jealous of Donghyun who didn't look fat even though he could eat twice as much as me. Youngkyong's cell phone rings and she grumbles for not being able to hold her cell phone, finally she just puts her phone on the table and takes a call while using the loudspeaker. And suddenly, it felt like really in sudden, I felt like I was missing something. Oh, my cell phone! Where is my cell phone? I took a tissue and cleaned my hands as needed and then patted my sides, on my pants, on my jacket, in the inside pocket of my jacket... nothing. Where is my cell phone?

"Oppa? Why?" Youngkyong asked in surprise after she finished talking on her cellphone.

"Did you see me holding my cellphone?"

Youngkyong shook her head, "no, didn't see you hold it since the first time oppa met me. Is your cellphone lost?"

I tried to remember hard, but suddenly there was something more important than the existence of my cell phone.

"Maybe oppa's cellphone left in the apartment?"

"Choeun noona."


"Youngkyong, sorry, I have to go now. Are you okay to go home alone? "

Youngkyong looked confused when she answered me, "yes, I think so... relax oppa, I'll be fine."

"I'll explain later. Thank you for the treat."

"See you!"

Youngkyong cheered at me when I came out of the restaurant in a hurry. I must be crazy. How could I forget my appointment with Choeun noona? She must be very worried. I'm confused. I don't know what to do first. I remembered that the mall we were planning to meet was nearby, so I ran to the mall. But how to find her in a big place like this? I ran to the cinema. But what if she's already inside? It's past seven o'clock and if she decides to watch alone... but I'm not sure she'll be watching alone. And my cell phone. I really lost my mind. I can't wait like this, I have to find her. Finally I decided to go home and take my cellphone first before going to look for her elsewhere.

"Chungdae why...?"

"Sorry, eomma."

I don't even have time to chat with eomma. I know she must be confused seeing my head full of snowflakes or my face that is sweaty on this cold day. Once entered the apartment, I ran to my room. My cell phone is on the edge of the bed, and I pick up the phone and unlock it hurriedly. Six missed calls, four kakao talk messages from Choeun noona. I sat down, noona must be very disappointed now. I called her... once... twice... and my calls were not answered. Now I think of three possibilities where she is now: her apartment, the cinema or in Million Stars. I'm going to the cinema again because the movie will be over soon, then to her apartment.


(English ver) You Are (Not) My Destiny // 넌 내 운명(안)입니다Where stories live. Discover now