Great Minds Think Alike

Start from the beginning

"Hello! Welcome home, Y/N!" Your mom squeals, a big smile on her face. "And Harry! It's so nice to see you!"

Harry blushes under the attention, but doesn't hesitate to lean forward and pull your mom into a hug. He knows just how much she loves hugs, so he never fails to give her as many as she wants.

"You two go on up and put your bags away, alright? I'm sure you both remember where Y/N's bedroom is. By the time you get back down, we'll have dinner all the way done and then we can do presents." You flash her a look, knowing that she would want to open presents the moment that you arrived.

"Don't look at me like that, you know I'm impatient." She nudges you towards the stairs, trying to get you to hurry and get settled.

Once you're up the stairs and in the bedroom, you turn to Harry. "Are you excited to be here, baby?"

He doesn't hesitate to nod, pulling you to him. "I love being here, dove, you know that."

You smile, laying your head on his chest. You stand there for a moment, enjoying just being with him. Moments like these, when you're back home with the love of your life, everything feels like it's exactly how it should be.

Eventually, he pulls back and grabs the bag that was packed with the presents. He leads you back down the stairs to eat the dinner that your mom worked so hard to cook.


"Come on, let's go do presents!" You had just finished putting everyone's plates in the sink and your mother is already ushering you to the living room. You just shake your head and chuckle at her as you follow.

As you're making your way to the living room, Harry finds his way back to your side. He places a hand on the small of your back and you lean into his touch. Once you get to the living room, you take a seat with Harry on the gray loveseat that's positioned next to the overly decorated Christmas tree.

"Okay, okay, I'm here now!" You laugh as you get comfortable on the seat. Harry doesn't hesitate to put his arm around your shoulders and pull you into his side. As your mom gets everything together, he smudges a kiss to your forehead.

"Alright, Y/N, do you want to give Harry his present first?" You nod, uncurling yourself from his side to retrieve the present.

He can tell that you're nervous by the way your hands are shaking as you go to hand him the box. "Darling, I'm gonna love it, okay? I always do."

You nod, watching him take the box and begin unwrapping it. As he carefully pulls the paper away from the box, you worry your bottom lip between your teeth.

He places the wrapping paper to the side and gives you a reassuring smile as he holds the velvet box in his hand.

"I promise I'm going to love it, doll. Don't worry about it."

"Sorry. I always get nervous about these things." He reaches out to caress your cheek and for a moment, you forget that you're not the only people in the room.

He brings his hand back to the small box and slides the lid open. You hold your breath as he picks up the ring. His fingers trace the constellation designs that litter the outside of the band.

"Baby, this is beautiful." As he looks up, you notice the tears in his eyes.

"Look at the inside." You need him to at least get to the most important part before you start crying, too.

He tilts the ring to look at the inside of the band. Once he sees what you're referring to, you hear his breath hitch. You had the company carve both yours and Harry's initials into the band, and you knew that Harry would love it the moment you saw the option.

Harry Styles x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now