Number One Fan! Interview with BarryMathias

Start from the beginning

I was intrigued by the book: Holy Blood Holy Grail. I began to reflect on the importance of bloodlines in the ancient world, and wondered what it would have been like to be a member of such a bloodline, and to be unaware of the fact. Then, to become the focus of people who wanted to support you (even worship you) and others who wished to destroy you. I combined this with the fascinating way that religions used forms of magic (or deception) to impress the uneducated masses. I was also interested in the way humans always complicate things...hence the reference to getting the sword in the scabbard (page 3 Book One). These were some of my starting points.

8.  Is there a message you want your readers to get from your work?

In the Ancient Bloodlines Trilogy, I examine the concept of Magic. In the early 12th Century, anything that could not be explained was magic. It was a time when few could read or write, and stories were passed by word of mouth... and were subject to change. Book 1 has an element of fantasy, Book 2 has less, and by the end of Book 3, the reader questions whether magic was involved; did Owl exist? The second concept I examine is the relationship between bloodlines and religion. The Bible is a male text, and women get a poor rap: Gwen and Tegwen (note the similarity) are both special in their own way, and reveal much of the undercurrents of the books.

9.  What is the most important thing a writer needs to remember when writing an epic fantasy novel?

Try not to make the story too obvious. Give plenty of scope for character development. Set the plot in a definite and understandable time period.

10.  Have you ever struggled with writer's block and what is your strategy for overcoming it?

All writers suffer from writer's block. I have taught English throughout my career, and my advice for all writers on a day when nothing is happening, is to write at least a paragraph on some aspect of the idea you are developing. It does not matter if   it is well expressed, worry about the sentence construction later. At the end of your short piece you may want to put a line through it. That does not matter either. The main aim is to write and avoid the blank page. Writing something, however dismal, always stimulates the Muse.

11.  What do you most prefer to write; novels, short stories, poetry or plays and why?

Writing preferences are often changing, sometimes in response to deadlines or opportunities. Poetry comes in waves; short stories and articles have always been pleasurable interludes; short plays and sketches are often in response to a forthcoming drama production. However, the novel operates outside of everything else; a constant flow of ideas, and the generation and adoption of characters. Everything in fiction begins in the imagination. Creativity is the source of great happiness.

12.  Has there been an author that has inspired you and influenced your own writing?

 Jack Whyte and Ken Follett are two of my favourite writers. They write historical fiction with a wealth of characters and a richness of detail. Their research is immaculate, and their imagination is inspiring.

13.  Now that you live in Canada, do you feel that there is a big difference between modern British literature and modern North American literature?

One could write books on this question!  Both areas of literature have produced great writers of classic novels. Often their greatness reflects the environment in which they live and the political and social influences they experience. I enjoy writers from both sides of the ocean, their nationality is of little importance.

14.  What is the last book you read and what is your favorite book? Why is it your favorite?

I have just read Ken Follett's  'Fall of Giants'...a very good read.

Trying to decide on a favorite book is like choosing a pebble on the beach: however, if pushed I would settle on: 'And Quiet Flows the Don' by Mikhail Sholokhov. It is a remarkable novel that creates strong characters in an unforgiving landscape, and is set against the enormous political upheavals of the time.

15.  The Power in the Dark now has well over a million reads on Wattpad. Did you expect for it to have such a wide appeal and how does that popularity make you feel?

My aim in contributing 'Power in the Dark' to Wattpad, was to encourage people to read my story, with the hope and expectation that many readers would purchase books two and three of the Trilogy from  Agio Publishing House ( or from I was delighted that the novel has received over a million reads...that was gratifying. Sadly, only a few have purchased the other novels of the Trilogy.

16.  What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

If you really want something, and believe in it, it will happen.

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