Chapter 4

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Narrator's pov


"Are you stalking me?" the girl asked in such a voice that wasn't harmful

Her voice filling the entire cafe when they pushed through the speakers that were still connected to the microphone

Unphased by any of it all, Ember controlled herself from being flushed from embarrassment

Especially since all eyes were on the girl, they turned to face her since the singer's eyes focused on her

"Now why would you think that?" Ember smirked

"So you're not denying it?"

"I never agreed to it either sweetheart" Ember raised a brow

"OooooOoo" the few people in the cafe cooed causing the singer to giggle

"I guess I'll never find out" She said

"Or you could if you just came over here" Ember smirked, raising her brow

A few customers widened their eyes as they looked back and forth between the two girls, awaiting the singer's response

"You really think you're so smooth" The singer chuckled

"I might be, come find out" Ember shot back making the blonde tilt her head back in laughter

"Oh man, you're something else" Gabrielle shook her head smiling

But the second she glanced back at the brunette, she flashed a smile. A smile so gently and soft that it was enough to match a warm hug from a lover after a hard day away from each other. And her eyes, God her eyes matched the earthy brown when the honey sun pressed down onto it. They stared into green orbs, those that resembled the green leaves that fell onto those earthy coloured eyes, making the perfect circle of nature. Green grows until it falls to brown, over and over again

"So... Are you going to accept my offer?" Ember questioned

All heads snapped back towards the singer, curious to know what her reply was

But with all eyes on her, the blonde didn't glance at anyone else. Her attention was just full on the brunette who leaned back in her chair with a teasing smirk on her face

A small pink blush seemed to make its way onto Gabrielle's cheeks as she chuckled softly

"Chocolate" she said

"Chocolate?" Ember questioned

"I don't like dark coffee, I prefer my taste to be... Hmm, sweet" Gabrielle said as she started to tear down her mic set up

Ember's eyes widened for a second when she realized that the girl had accepted

"Yesss" a few screams filled the cafe, showing their excitement

Ember didn't hesitate to dash over towards the counter, getting ready to mark down the girl's order

But someone had already beat her to the punch

"It's on us" the barrister chuckled softly, handing the brunette two hot cups of chocolate

It was obvious that everyone inside that room was interested in their stories and excited for where it was leading

"Thanks" Ember laughed, taking the two cups and heading back over towards the booth by the window

Her eyes couldn't help but fall over the girl's body, the blonde slung her guitar strap over her chest, leaving her bright wooden guitar to rest on her back. Her fingers passed through her short blonde hair, flipping it over to the side as she glanced into the direction of Ember

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