2.0: New Dynamics

Start from the beginning

"In a nutshell? Anxious, depressed, and nauseous."

Claire turned to look at Hodgins as he walked in, "Take a sick day." He shook his head, "Not me, Cleo Eller. People casings show she was on Larazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, and Meclizine Hydrochloride."

Brennan frowned, "Nausea...show me those bone fragments." Hodgins looked at her confused before doing so and Brennan sighed, "These aren't frog bones, Cleo Eller was pregnant."

Claire's eyes widen and she gulped, "That's...really sad. Are you sure?"

"Malleus, incus, stapes. These are fetal ear bones." Brennan stated and looked at the remains, "This girl was pregnant, but not very far along." Zach turned to look at Brennan, "Want me to try and get a DNA reading? See if we can prove paternity?"

"You can try, let's hope there's enough genetic material to test." Brennan answered and Hodgins smirked, "This Senator is smart, and a planner. He gets an intern pregnant, murders her when it threatens his career, and he has the connections to get away with it."

Brennan turned to look at him, "I hate it when you make paranoia plausible, it's like sliding off a cliff." Hodgins just shrugged, "This has to be a special unit, no way your FBI pal heads it up unless the dark powers in charge are convinced he knows where his political bread is buttered. Either way, that's where this investigation ends." He turned to look at Claire, "You okay?"


"You've been staring at the remains."

"And?" Claire countered and Hodgins raised his hand in surrender, "Just asking."

"Then don't." Claire stated and looked at Brennan, "You're going to call Agent Booth?" Brennan nodded, "I'll let him know this new piece of information." Claire nodded before leaving, she rubbed her face and sighed.

So young with her life ahead of her, this is just terrible.


Claire walked out of her office to see Brennan and Angela standing there waiting for her, Angela smiled at her. "Want to go get a drink? Glug-glug? Show some skin? Possible hook-ups?"

Claire shook her head and was about to walk away when Brennan started talking to her, "Booth said I was only good with bones, he said I'm lousy with people....do you think he's right?" Claire sighed as she rubbed her face, "Is there some kind of memo I missed where people are asking me personal questions?"

Angela raised an eyebrow at her and Claire shook her head before looking at Brennan, "Temper, I'm lousy with people and I'm not the best one to ask. If you really must know, I think your communication skills could use some work but hey so does everyone else's. Finding comfort in bones that don't lie to you and wanting to stay away from people isn't a crime, you connect to much with people and that's why I believe you come off distant because you're scared of being hurt or lied to again. No I don't want to talk about anything Angie, I'm fine." Claire stated as Angela had opened her mouth to speak, she sighed at Claire and Claire turned to walk away again.

Angela watched her leave, "Is she okay?" Brennan shrugged, "I don't ever know, but she's good to talk with. I feel better about me being so called emotionless and lousy." Angela smiled at her, "That's good, but I wish she'd talk to us. She always seems on edge, I'm worried." Brennan shook her head, "One thing I've learned about her since I've met her, she's always on edge and she'll never tell you why because she doesn't trust or interact with you unless you're human remains."

"Like you," Angela stated and Brennan smiled, "Like me, maybe that's why we get along."


Claire flopped onto her bed and sighed, she felt exhausted and her head was hurting. Claire closed her eyes to finally rest, she jumped when she heard a knock at her door. Claire sighed and sat up before walking out of her bedroom and heading to her door, she opened it and quickly closed it.

The Loneliest Shade Of Blue ~ Criminal Minds/Bones (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Where stories live. Discover now