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"Hello, Olivia." He says. I smile at him and look into his eyes.

"I forget why i asked you to come, but now i have a reason. The reactor at Shelly Island is about to fail, and Winn believes that you could stop the fail."

I nod at him and walk over to the table. "So, this timer here, it shows how much time is approximately left until the fail." Winn says.

"Wait- how could we do it with the power dampeners?" I ask. He pulls up a button and presses it. "Now they're off."

I nod and then Winn explains the plan to me and I agree.

"But if something goes wrong, there will be a swat team there to help if you need it." He adds.

I nod and look at Winn and brainy, then smile. I wave to them, then make my way to Shelly Island.

I find my way into the reactor room and see it blowing smoke. I quickly run to the middle of the reactor and I fly up, then press my hands against the reactor. It begins to feel like it is sucking the energy out of me. I yell as I focus on it, and I hear footsteps come into the room.

I quickly look back and see Brainy standing there with a panicked look on his face. I turn back to the reactor and squint my eyes shut, and yell in frustration.

"You can do it!" I hear brainy shout. I yell again and he runs closer to me and says. "You're Strong, Amazing, powerful, Olivia Swift!" Happily. "And I love you

I fly up, and begin to concentrate on making a force field. I feel my eyes go green, and I shoot lasers at the Middle of the reactor; where I was just holding it. I yell as I continue to shoot it, using all of my power.

Then, the reactor stops smoking, and I fall to the ground. I sit up, and walk over to Brainy weakly. I cup my hands around his face and say. "I love you too."

He smiles and puts his hand on my waist, and we both kiss.

When we separate, I look at him weakly and say, "Brainy, Get me to the DEO, I'm gonna pass out." He nods and he helps me walk to the DEO van.

When we get into the DEO, Brainy helps me walk inside and I sit on a hospital bed.

He holds my hand and smiles passionately. "You're amazing." I smile at him and he says, "Really, you are. Doing that all by yourself.. Wow"

I playfully hit him and said. "Stopp!" I chuckle and then Alex comes in.

After she gives me a little 'check-up', she says, "Okay so.. You drained your powers, but don't worry, they'll be back!" I nod and sit up straight. "Thanks, Alex."

She smiles at me, then walks out of the room. I stand up , and walk out of the Hospital wing, with Brainy following after.

"Do you need a ride home?" I shake my head and say, "No, i'll just fly- Wait.. Yes, yes please." He chuckles and nods.

We both walk out to his Car and I sit in the passenger seat, and he starts the car and drives off.

When we get to my house, we both walk inside and sit on the couch. "Olivia?" Brainy asks. I look at him and say, "Ya?"

He stands up and says, "The more time I spend with you, the more I want to hold you tighter in my arms. You're so hard to resist, Olivia. Every day I love you more and more and I can't bear the fact of not being able to call you mine anymore."

I stand up and look into his eyes. "Olivia, I love you and would be honoured if you would be my girlfriend."

I smile at him and nod. "I love you, more than anything." I put my arms around him and dig my head into the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around me and whispers.

"I really do love you."


In love with a 12th level intellectWhere stories live. Discover now