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The next morning, I wake up to the sun shining into my room and with a box on my nightstand with a note.

"Hey, here's your phone. You looked really peaceful when I came in so I just left it for you! From, Winn."

I smile at his kindness and get out of bed. I decided I wanted to get some work done so I put on my suit and fly to the DEO.

When I get inside I see Brainy talking with Alex and Winn so I decide to go to the table and think for a bit.

"Hey, Olivia," Brainy says. I look up and say. "Querl.." He looks down and walks away. I immediately felt bad so I chased after him.

" what I meant to say is hi, Brainy! How are you?" He nods and says. "Im Well. Hey, about last night-"

"Im sorry it's just- im trying to sort out my emotions right now, a-and im failing." He nods and puts his hands behind his back.

"Well, I hope you begin to succeed." I smile at him and he walks away.

"Wait- Brainy?" I call out. He stops walking and turns around. "How are you doing? A-actually."

He sighs and says. "Jealous, angry, and disapproving." I raise my eyebrows and ask. "Why?"

"I'm not %100 sure.. I'll let you know when I do figure that out." I nod at him and he walks away, leaving me stunned with his answer.

I walk back to the table and look at it. I hear screaming in the distance, so I shoot into the air and follow the noise.

When I land on the ground, I see two men smirking at me. "Swift... Just the superhero we wanted to see!"

I raise my eyebrows and they pull out a case and open it. I look and see.. metallic chromium; my weakness. Well, not really my weakness, but an allergy. A bad allergy.

My eyes widen and I step away from the substance and feel myself about to sneeze. I shoot up into the air and stay there until the sneeze comes out. When it does, a flash of green smoke comes out of my nose.

I fly back down the ground, and try to fight my sneezing urges as I try to get the case from the criminals.

"Ah, not so fast there, Swift!" One of them says. "Ya, if we open this case again you'll get weak, and powerless. So we suggest you don't try anything." The other adds.

I put my hands on my hips and ask. "What do you want from me?" weakly, I take my hands off my hips and fiddle with my thumbs.

"We want your identity. Tell us, and we'll give you the case. If not, you'll die."

I look at the Signal watch that Kara gave me and I flip it open, and click it on it.

I continue to stand there, hopelessly waiting for Kara to get there so I could go. A few minutes later, she lands right in between me and the two men, and says to them;

"What is going on here?" The man who was holing the case smirks; and opens the case. I fall to the ground and cant get back up.

"Uh uh, Supergirl! We got some kryptonite in the back if you try anything." One of the goons says. Kara shakes her head at them and lasers the metallic chromium and picks me up, and flies me into the DEO.

"Thanks for coming, Kara," I say weakly. She smiles and the medics take me into the hospital wing.

"Wow, two times in a week, eh?" I ask one of the girls. She laughs and nods. She grabs a needle and takes the tip-off of it.

"This might hurt." She says, and BOOM! Into my skin, it goes.

The room begins to spin; then it goes black.


When I saw Olivia dangling in Kara's arms as she entered the DEO, my heart shattered.

Once Olivia was out of hearing range, I walk up to Kara and start bombarding her with questions.

"What happened? I-is she hurt?" Kara shakes her head and puts her hand on my shoulder. "She's gonna be fine. Just came into some contact with metallic chromium."

"So, this means she's powerless. I'll be back." "Wait- Brainy... She's not powerless." Kara says walking up to me.

I turn around and look at her. "What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow and she says.

"She isn't like other Tamaranians. she's more powerful. That's why she can produce powerballs out of her hands, and that's why everyone thought she was a god." I sigh and process everything Kara was saying.

"So she's weak, but not powerless," Kara adds. Then, Nia comes into the entrance and smiles at me. I walk up to her and kiss her on the cheek, and say. "Hi."

She smiles and holds my hand. "Where is she?" Nia asks, talking about Olivia.

"She's in the hospital wing, unconscious." Nia nods and rests her head on my shoulder.

I liked Nia, she was pretty, smart, and overall amazing. But Olivia was just so.. Perfect. If im being completely honest to myself, I don't really think I like Nia that much. If I run the calculations, then there's a %92.43 chance that im in love with Olivia, and im only using Nia to cope with that love.

A few hours later, everyone was in the main part of the DEO waiting for Olivia to wake up.

Then, one of the medics walks out and says. "She's just waking up now."

Everyone nods and walks into the hospital wing. Olivia sits up and rubs her eyes then looks at us.

"Wow, im so loved!" She says which makes everyone laugh but me. I flash a smile and look back at Nia, who was standing over top of me with her hand on my shoulder.

In love with a 12th level intellectWhere stories live. Discover now