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"There you guys are!" Kara says coming over. We chuckle and we all sit back down. There were no other spots left, so I had to sit next to... Brainy.

"Hey, guys... This was super fun, but im gonna go home. I-its getting late. I say. "I'll come with you," Kara replies.

I smile at her and we both quickly put our suits on. Kara looks back at the group and mouths something to them that I cannot hear.

We both fly into the air and begin to go slower. a few moments later, Kara stops completely and just stays floating in the air. I fly over to her and ask. "Are you okay?"

She nods and asks, "Why didn't you talk to Brainy?" I chuckle and say.

"I don't want to talk about this. He has a girlfriend! And, she is ALSO my best friend and I don't want to ruin to for the-"

"He loves you! Brainy loves you!" She interrupts. "W-what?"

I hear something so I look behind Kara, and in the distance... There's brainy. I lock eyes with him and he stays there, with his mouth open.

I look away and race home, and lock the doors. I take my suit off and put on my pyjamas and lay in bed; trying to fall asleep.

My eyes widen and I smile. I get out of bed and begin to pack a suitcase.

I call Kara and since she didn't answer; I leave a voicemail:

"Hey, Kara. Im going away for a while so don't come looking for me. I'll be fine, and safe. Just need to figure me out. Okay... Bye."

I hang up the phone, and close my suitcase, and begin my fly to San Fransisco.

When I get there; I knock on the titan's tower entrance and a voice comes on; one I know of Robin.

"Name?" It asks.

"O-Olivia Swift," I answer.

The door opens and I walk inside, and to the elevator. I step inside and click the top floor button, and it starts moving.

When the door opens, im greeted by a giant; rib crushing hug from my cousin; Starfire.

"Oh, my favourite cousin!" She says letting go. I smile at her and she lets me in. "Ah, Beasty! Look who it is!" Cyborg shouts. Beast boy runs into the room eating a piece of celery and runs to Cyborg.

"What? Whos here?" He asks. Starfire points at me and says, "It is my favourite of the cousins!" I smile at him and he softly smiles.

"Hi there." He says. "Hi, im Olivia." He smiles and looks at Cyborg.

Robin walks into the room and asks. "Cyborg, who was at the door-" Robin looks at me and stutters. "H-hi."

I smile at him and look down. "Olivia right?" He asks walking closer to me. "That's me! I-im sorry I didn't call or anything it's just-"

"Don't be sorry! We love guests!" Robin says. I smile at them and nod.


Later that afternoon, I met Raven. She seemed... Dark.

Now, im sitting on the couch watching TV with Cyborg and Beast Boy.

Robin walks in the room with his phone and says "Hey, Olivia. T-the phones for you. He says he goes by the name of brainy.."

I sigh quietly and thank Robin, and grab the phone from him. "Olivia?!" Brainy asks. "Yep... What's up?"

"Where are you? Are you safe-" "Yes, im safe, Brainy. I have to go."

I hang up the phone and give it back to Robin. "Who's Brainy?" He asks,

"O-oh we don't have to talk about Brainy..-" Robin smiles at me which makes me stop talking.


Around 8, Starfire and I were sitting at the top of the tower talking. "So may I ask the question?" Starfire asks.

I nod and she asks. "Why did you come to visit? Not that we don't love having you the here, but why?"

"Well, back in national city... There's been... a lot going on." Starfire nods and says. "So you wanted to get away from the city of National."

I nod and so does she. "Well, maybe I could go back to the City of National with you to do the helping!"

I smile at her and ask. "You would do that?" She nods and flys up and does a flip.

"And we can bring my fellow titans as well!" She clasps her hands together and smiles.

"I'll go get them!" She flys back into the building and I chuckle. I walk back into the building and see all the Titans with their suitcases.

"Woah, guys! What's going on?" I ask.

"We're going to national city with you!" Beast Boy says. I scoff happily and say. "Um... Okay!"

Everyone picks up their bags and Robin shouts. "Titans... and Olivia, GO!" Everyone runs and flies out of the tower.

I chuckle and fly with Starfire. Beast boy shapeshifts into a pterodactyl and Robin gets on him, and we all start our journey.

Starfire and I talk for most of the flight, but for some of it, I was talking to Raven. 

In love with a 12th level intellectWhere stories live. Discover now