Sleep Paralysis

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What I heard about jinn

During the 1st ten of dhul hijjah that past recently, I had a small encounter myself. After suhur, I had been lying in my room, light switched on, waiting for Fajr Jamaa'ah time to approach.

I happened to fall asleep. A short while later, I became aware of myself awake in the sleep paralysis state with my eyes open.

Was alarmed to find somene sitting on my bed by my right leg, facing the wall, wearing a white garment facing the wall, with their arms in a hacking posture, covering their face.

My first reaction was that of alarm, as I said, though I quickly remembered I had nothing to fear and recited "a'oothubillahi min ashaytanir rajeem' several times with some anger.

I was surprised at my own anger, to be honest.
Alhamduilillah, whatever it was, faded into the background across the room. I believe sometimes Jinn just play with our senses, sounds, sight, even smells, and this was more of an illusion than anything else. But I have had one other incident which was, I confess, quite frightening.

The main thing to remember is when practising properly and striving to be close to Allah, you don't fear this type of thing as you have an instinctive courage. It's when you might have slackened that you leave yourself open and vulnerable as I did back then, the first time.

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