"Are you dating someone?"

"No im not."

"But she likes someone..." Celeste grinned.

"Celeste hush." I glared at her.

"Who do you like if its okay for me to ask?" Akari looked at me with her flashlight.


"Hajime Iwazumi??"

"Yup."I replied.

"That's so cool, I had a few classes with him last year," Akari started," doesn't he like someone else though?"

"I mean I guess so because that's what he told Luna at the dance today."

"Its definitely you!" Celeste giggled.

"I wish it was me."

"Maybe you should let him know how you feel Y/n!" Riku said.

"I think I might. It's a kinda scary thing to do though. But I'll try eventually."



Today was Sunday and I would be taking my flight to America later. My dad called me yesterday about all of the details, and told me that he'd be picking me up from the airport when I get off the flight. I was all packed and brought my suitcase down the stairs from my room. Bob and my mom were in the kitchen.

"Hey Y/n! Are you excited?" Bob smiled at me.

"A little. Also kinda nervous."

"Don't be! It'll probably great!"

"Mhm," my mom added in. "And if you ever feel unsafe or even the tiniest bit uncomfortable, call any of us and we'll buy you a flight back!"

"Thanks mom, I'll be fine though!" I sat down at the dining room table while my mom brought in the pasta she made. She and Bob sat on one side of the table while I sat on the other side.

"Are you sure you don't want us to drop you off at the airport?" She took a sip of her wine.

"Don't worry mom, I wanted to go with Celeste."



"Y/n, im gonna miss you so much!" Celeste looked over at me.

"So will I! Now keep you eyes on the road."

"What will I do without you?"

"Eat, sleep, breathe?"

"Y/n stop with the sarcasm Im dead serious."

"Okay okay im sorry. I'll facetime you everyday. Including tonight. Don't worry. Keep me updated with things here!"

"I promise I will!"

We drove listening to music a few more minutes before we arrived at the airport. I made sure to have my passport and bags before saying goodbye to Celeste. We hugged each other for a long time.

"Okay be good. I gotta go."

"Bye Y/n!" She waved as I walked into the airport. After getting scanned by security, I walked up to the front desk where someone walked me through what I needed to do. I was a little bit early so I sat in an area of chairs by myself. My plane number was called after a few minutes and I followed everyone else who was going on the flight. I was one of the last people to board and sat down in the back next to a girl who looked around my age. She slightly waved before putting on headphones. I took out my phone and let Celeste and my mom know that I was safe and on the plane.

Unexpected Feelings* Iwazumi x (Fem)Reader*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat