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Today is decision day at Idol High where a company chooses you sorta like the NBA draft pick. They also tell you if you're going to be solo or be in a group. "Kai why are you wearing sweats to Decision Day? We're gonna be on tv..." Max asks as we walk to the big theater hall. "Oh well I guess this is how I'm debuting, looking like a potato to the world." Sam shakes his head. "We have enough potatoes in the world, the idol industry doesn't need potatoes. Go change while you can, your dorm isn't that far."

"For once I'm with Sam on this one, please change." Charlotte says sighing. She rolls her eyes. "You do know we have stylist to go see before we go in there right? We were all supposed to meet with them beforehand roaches." I shake my head. "Well I'll catch you guys later because I have to go meet my glam team." I wave as they continue to argue.

I make it inside of the building and I bump into Jay Park. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" He smiles and I almost swoon but I remember that I have a boyfriend. "It's okay, I was the one on my phone. Hey you're one of the top candidates for today right?" I nod not trusting my voice. "I'd wish you luck but you're not gonna need it. I'll see you around beautiful, okay?" I smile lightly feeling my cheeks burning. "Okay, see you." He waves as he walks off and I wave before walking over to where my team is supposed to meet me.

"Mina come on we have to get you in your hair and makeup after you get dressed. We found the perfect street style clothes for you, come on go change !"

I meet my friends right before we're supposed to sit in our respective seats. "Woah Mina you look so cool, I like the fit!" Kaira says. "Thanks, do you think Jackson will like it?" Charlie nods giving me a thumbs up. "Ah we'll all of you look great, I think you'll get great companies after you! Sam and Max...I hope you get hired somewhere." They both give me a blank look. "Okay Miss Popular we'll remember that. When you need a producer for your debut album don't run to me." "Yeah and don't think about me being...not your manager because I need a job. Let me be your manager!" Kaira rolls her eyes. "Yeah okay ask Mina but not us? Roach."

"안녕하세요, 앉아주세요." We all bump fists before going to our seats. I sit down and sigh because the seats next to me are empty. This sucks I'm by myself. "That's weird, I thought I was supposed to be by Mina...excuse me have you seen my girlfriend?" Jackson shows me a picture of us smiling together while looking genuinely confused. "여보...저예요." He raises an eyebrow. "No you can't be my Mina...wait baby you're stunning! Wow it must be the bucket hat, I'm sorry, forgive me!!" I purse my lips. "How do you not recognize your girlfriend?" BamBam comes and takes the seat on my left side. "Ah Mina that fit is dope. Are you excited to get signed?"

"Thank you BamBam for noticing...unlike Jackson." Jackson pouts sitting down. "Baby don't be like that I'm sorry." The lights dim signaling the event is starting. "Welcome to our first annual Decision Day. We are honored to have our top candidates here, Mina who hails from 미국. Kaira and Charlotte who also come from 미국. Misoo who is from 한국, and lastly Angelita from 브라질." Our pictures pop up on the screen and Bammie starts cheering. "Skrrt skrrt ayooo go Mina!!"

Jackson rubs my thigh and smiles at me. "Our top candidates have already been chosen by 2 companies each. Will all 5 top candidates come to the stage? 감사합니다." I get up still confused on how I'm a top candidate...I can't dance that well so I'm not even a triple threat. As I walk up the stairs of the stage along with the others the crowd cheers us on. "Now that you all are up here we will present your choices for you." We are all given 2 envelopes with two different companies written on each.

Khiphop/ Kpop AMBW  Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now