28. some kind of bug

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GEORGE WAS FINALLY ABLE TO TAKE THE BANDAGES OFF HIS EAR. Fred, in classic Weasley twin fashion, had cracked several jokes regarding his missing ear. Such as speaking to George on that side and asking if he could hear.

Willa had been staying at the flat, occasionally apparating to the Burrow when the twins were at work. Willa spent many lonely days cooped up in the flat, cleaning, organizing, anything to keep herself busy.

Willa had baked until their fridge, counters, coffee table and kitchen table were all covered in sweet treats. She was going insane and the twins were gaining weight. Willa knew she couldn't leave, but every morning as she drank her coffee, she stared out her and Fred's bedroom window, watching Diagon Alley slowly awaken for the day, she wished she was down there. She didn't care what she was doing: working in the shop with the boys or pouring drinks at the Leaky Cauldron, she just wanted to have a purpose other than traveling twice a week between the Burrow and the flat.

Fred worked all day excited to go home to his new wife. Married life was so amazing for both of them; they were both so happy.

Draco got to work. He snuck out every evening to Diagon Alley. He had been watching the twins' shop, as he knew there was no way Willa had left Fred. She loved Fred more than she loved anything, she'd told Draco that several times. Draco knew if there as anywhere he could find Willa, it would more than likely be here.

Months went by. Nothing.

It was close to Halloween and Draco was running out of time; his father wanted this job by the end of the fall. He didn't sleep, he barely ate. His grades were suffering; he was a prefect, he had to keep his image up. But, battling everyday with the decision of how and when to kill your only sibling took a toll on Draco.

Where could she be? If she wasn't at the shop, then there was a good chance she wasn't at the Burrow - did she really leave Weasley?

The last morning Draco staked outside the shop, he decided to go in the morning. Not for any particular reason; he just couldn't sleep and had always went in the evening. Knowing Willa was a clever person and would do her best not be seen, he decided to change up his routine. He stood in the alley just across from the shop and watched the windows. As soon as the sun began to rise: there she was.

Her pale face peeking from around the dark curtains, a steaming hot cup of coffee in her hand. Draco noted that she looked sad. She'd been here all these months, he was just coming at the wrong time. She sipped the piping hot coffee, watching the shops open around Draco. He stayed just out of sight, but close enough to see her. Now that he knew where she was, he had to think of a plan of how to get to her. He wished he'd never found her.

Willa's baking slowly began to dwindle. The twins returned from work, George's mouth dropped open when he seen an empty table. "Sandwiches tonight, boys." Willa said, snarling her nose. She couldn't stand the thought of any meat cooking, the smell of flour and eggs mixing. She assumed she was burnt out on baking.

She made both boys a turkey sandwich and then one for herself. The three sat and talked about the day as the twins chowed down on their sandwiches, but Willa simply stared at hers. "I think I've caught some sort of bug." She said, pushing her plate away.

"Bug? You haven't been anywhere to catch a bug!" George laughed.

Fred eyed his wife. Something was off. He could tell she felt bad. "Won't you go to bed? George and I can clean up." George nodded in agreement Fred's suggestion and will obliged, going straight to bed. Willa woke up in a cold sweat around midnight, Fred already in bed next to her. She leaned over the bed and felt nausea creep up into her stomach; she jerked her covers off and tried to make a run for the bathroom, but didn't make it. She vomited right there over the edge of her bed.

Fred jumped awake at the sound of Willa retching; he gagged silently at the sight before checking on Willa. "You okay?" He asked, rubbing her back. She'd grabbed a bin by this point and shook her head no, right before she puked again. "Me and George have bound to have packed something in on you."

"Yeah." Willa said, wiping her mouth. Willa knew that she didn't have a bug; she'd had her suspicions the last few weeks. Being alone in a flat for 8 hours today leaves your mind to do a lot of thinking, and Willa had noticed her period was late.

The next morning, as soon as George and Fred were off to the shop, Willa sprung into action. Lucius wasn't going to take every special moment in her life. She slung a cloak on, throwing the hood over her head and went off to St. Mungo's. She wanted to tell Fred in a special way.

She arrived at the hospital safely. She had traveled looking over her shoulder constantly for prying eyes. When she arrived, she was checked in and told them her issue. She waited patiently in a safe, closed room for the healer. Willa tapped her foot nervously as she waited, fiddling with her fingers as she always done.

"Mrs. Weasley?" The healer said, knocking on the door. Willa nodded, signaling for him to come on in. He was a plump, happy little fellow with a big beard. "Congratulations. You are indeed pregnant. The due date is April 1st."

Willa laughed, that was the twins birthday. "Thank you, Sir." The healer talked to her about the usual pregnancy guidelines and when to come back for her next appointment.

Willa threw her cloak back on, a little more pep in her step since finding the news. Not only would Fred be ecstatic, but on his and George's birthday as well? She pranced back towards the flat, hoping Fred hadn't came to check on her. As she walked, giddy with the news of life growing inside of her, a dark cloud seemed to be cast: her baby was now in danger as well.

She slowed down as she thought about it; Romania was no longer safe. She couldn't hide. She just hoped and prayed that she was able to give birth before Lucius' got ahold of her.

Suddenly, an arm reached out from an alleyway and grabbed Willa. It jerked her into the dim alley, slinging a cloak over the both of them before apparating away into a think black cloud of smoke.

"I'm going to go check on, Willa, George! Got her some tea from the shop down the way." Fred smiled, grabbing the to-go cup from the drink carrier and heading upstairs. Willa hadn't been feeling well, and being that the burrow and home were the only two places she went, Fred figured it was either his or George's fault she was sick.

Fred snuck into the apartment, careful not to wake her if she was asleep. Fred slowly opened the bedroom door after noticing she wasn't in the living room. "Will?" He called. He seen an empty bed, her outline still in the sheets. Wherever she went, Willa left in a hurry. She always made the bed. Fred began searching all over the flat, even George's room. Nothing. "Willa?!" He screamed, terrified. "Not again." He sobbed, rubbing his hands through his hair.
Lucius had found her again.

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